Brussels, 17 April 2023
See question(s) : E-000410/2023
Answer given by Mr Schmit
on behalf of the European Commission
To mitigate the impacts of high energy prices, the Commission has launched several initiatives1, including a reform of the electricity market enhancing consumers protection, the REPowerEU plan2, and a proposal to support the vulnerable by using excess revenues of ‘inframarginal’ energy producers.
Answer given by Mr Schmit
on behalf of the European Commission
To mitigate the impacts of high energy prices, the Commission has launched several initiatives1, including a reform of the electricity market enhancing consumers protection, the REPowerEU plan2, and a proposal to support the vulnerable by using excess revenues of ‘inframarginal’ energy producers.
Under the two latter, it is now up to Member States to put in place relevant measures. As regards prices of food and other fast-moving consumer goods, the Commission together with National Competition Authorities is monitoring markets to identify and investigate any practices that may inflate prices, encouraging buyer alliances or joint purchasing, and investigating territorial supply constraints.
On combatting poverty, the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan proposes measures, such as the recent Council Recommendation on adequate minimum income with an active inclusion approach, aimed at helping low-income households get out of the poverty trap and (re-)integrate, where possible, into the labour market. The European Social Fund + is the main funding instrument at EU level for the actions to combat poverty.
The Directive on adequate minimum wages4 will also help mitigate the negative impact of high inflation on the purchasing power of low wage earners by improving the adequacy of minimum wages. The Directive is also expected to support other wages5. As regards supporting SMEs6 in the agricultural sector, the Commission permitted advanced common agricultural policy (CAP) payments and allowed the spending of available funds on supporting farmers and SMEs. While many investments and reforms under the adopted RRPs7 support SMEs, European businesses, including food manufacturers will also benefit from the support measures and investments financed under REPowerEU.
1 Directorate-General for Energy’s website contains further details on all the initiatives put forward by the Commission to tackle the high energy prices and energy poverty:
2 Further details about the REPowerEU Plan can be found in its dedicated website:
2 Further details about the REPowerEU Plan can be found in its dedicated website:
3 OJ C 41, 3.2.2023, p. 1–12.
4 Directive 2022/2041 of 19 October 2022 on adequate minimum wages in the European Union, OJ L 275, 25.10.2022, p. 33–47.
5 In particular by strengthening collective bargaining on wages.
6 Small and medium sized enterprises.
7 See thematic analysis on ‘SME support’ of January 2022 available in the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.
8 Including SMEs.
4 Directive 2022/2041 of 19 October 2022 on adequate minimum wages in the European Union, OJ L 275, 25.10.2022, p. 33–47.
5 In particular by strengthening collective bargaining on wages.
6 Small and medium sized enterprises.
7 See thematic analysis on ‘SME support’ of January 2022 available in the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.
8 Including SMEs.
Source: Answer to a written question – Food price inflation in the European Union (II) – E-000410/2023(ASW)