In the third quarter of 2024, 112 335 non-EU citizens were ordered to leave an EU country, and 27 740 persons were returned to third countries following an order to leave.
In comparison with the second quarter of 2024, the number of orders to leave remained stable, while the number of returns to third countries increased by 13%.
When compared with the same quarter of 2023, the number of non-EU citizens ordered to leave increased by 4%, while the number of people returned to third countries increased by 35% (Source datasets: migr_eiord1 and migr_eirtn1).

Among non-EU citizens ordered to leave the territory of an EU country in this period, Algerian citizens had the largest share of the total (10%), followed by citizens of Morocco and Syria (each with 7%). Among those returned to third countries, most were citizens of Georgia (11%), followed by Albania and Türkiye (each with 7%).
Among EU countries, the highest numbers of non-EU citizens ordered to leave the territory of an EU country were recorded in France (30 800), Germany (13 660) and Spain (13 645).
France (3 655), Germany (3 260) and Spain (3 160) recorded the highest number of people returned to third countries (Source datasets: migr_eiord1 and migr_eirtn1).

For more information
- Statistics Explained article on returns of irregular migrants – quarterly statistics
- Statistics Explained article on enforcement of immigration legislation statistics (annual data)
- Statistics Explained article on enforcement of immigration legislation statistics methodology
- Thematic section on managed migration
- Database on managed migration
Source – Eurostat