Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Luxembourg, 7 May 2024

In 2021, cancer was the leading cause of death for both men and women aged less than 65 years in the EU. It was a more frequent cause of death for women in this age group, with 40.6% of all deaths recorded. For men, it stood at 25.6%.

This information comes from data on the main cause of death published by Eurostat. This article presents a selection of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article.

The other most frequent causes of death for women aged less than 65 were circulatory diseases (14.9%), COVID-19 (10.2%) and respiratory diseases (4.2%).

For men, after cancer, circulatory diseases (22.0%), COVID-19 (9.8%) and accidents (6.9%) were the major causes of deaths – (Source dataset: hlth_cd_aro).

When it comes to people aged 65 years and over, the main causes of death for women were circulatory disease (37.3%), cancer (16.9%), COVID-19 (9.9%) and respiratory disease (5.7%).

For men aged 65 years and over, the main causes were the same but with varying proportions. Circulatory disease (31.8%) was the main cause, followed by cancer (23.3%), COVID-19 (12.0%) and respiratory disease (7.3%).

For more information
Methodological notes
  • When the outbreak of COVID-19 started, the WHO introduced emergency codes in the ICD version 10 (ICD-10) that countries could use to report deaths from COVID-19. In Eurostat’s dissemination database, the codes are available as follows:
    • U071 – COVID-19, virus identified (deaths where COVID-19 has been confirmed by laboratory testing)
    • U072 – COVID-19, virus not identified (COVID-19, virus not identified)
    • U_COV19_OTH – COVID-19 other (COVID-19 death not elsewhere defined)
  • The data for COVID-19 reported in this article were calculated by adding the data for these three codes, however the data disseminated in Eurostat’s dissemination database are for each separate code.

Source – Eurostat


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