Eurogroup in inclusive format (14:00)
Economic and financial polices
Finance ministers will exchange views on the international dimension of euro area economic and financial policies with Janet Yellen, the United States Secretary of the Treasury. The discussion is expected to focus on the economic recovery as well as on banking and financial stability issues.
Banking union
Paschal Donohoe, the President of the Eurogroup, will brief ministers on the June Euro summit, focusing in particular on the banking union discussions, with a view of preparing the work ahead.
Eurogroup (16:15)
Euro area fiscal stance
Ministers will discuss the budgetary situation and prospects in the euro area as a whole, and will focus on prospects for 2022. The chairman of the European Fiscal Board (EFB), Niels Thygesen, has been invited to this meeting and is expected to present the EFB’s recently published report.
The European Commission will also present its assessment based on its analysis of the 2021 stability programmes. The discussion will feed into the preparation of the draft budgetary plans and the recommendations for the euro area for 2022.
The Eurogroup regularly discusses the budgetary situation and prospects in the euro area as a whole, in the framework of the assessment of the draft budgetary plans drawn up by the euro area member states.
The euro as a digital currency: stock-taking
Finance ministers will discuss the potential implications of a digital euro for citizens, businesses and the Economic and Monetary Union as a whole. They will focus on its political dimension, fully respecting the roles and mandates of all institutions involved.
The Eurogroup discussed the euro as a digital currency in November 2020 following the publication of the Eurosystem report on the digital euro. They did so again in April 2021 when the results of the ECB public consultation were presented. In March 2021, the Euro Summit called to take forward the exploratory work on the possible introduction of a digital euro.
- A digital euro (European Central Bank)
- Economic and Monetary Union (background information)
- Digital finance (background information)
More information:
- How the Eurogroup works (background information)
- Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup (background information)
Meeting information
- Brussels
- 12 July 2021
Preparatory documents
- Draft agenda, Eurogroup
- Draft agenda, Eurogroup in inclusive format
- Draft annotated agenda, Eurogroup
- Draft annotated agenda, Eurogroup in inclusive format
Press releases
- Media advisory – Press briefing ahead of Eurogroup meeting of 12 July 2021 6 July 2021, 09:15