Most EU citizens believe that the EU, through the CAP, is fulfilling its role in securing a stable supply of food at all times (81%). Furthermore, around seven in ten respondents believe that the CAP contributes to sustainable management of natural resources (72%), development of research and digital solutions to support agriculture and food sectors (71%), and strengthening the role of farmers in the food chain (70%). In addition, boosting investment and growth, and creating jobs in agriculture and food sectors (70%), helping to tackle climate change (70%), and ensuring reasonable food prices (69%) are also key contributions of the CAP, according to citizens. More than six in ten respondents also believe that the CAP helps reduce regional disparities (66%) and encourages young people to join the agricultural sector (63%).
The survey also reveals a strong appreciation for farmers among EU citizens as 92% say that, in the EU, agriculture and rural areas are important for our future, with 52% considering them ‘very important’. More than half (56%) indicate that the level of EU financial support to farmers to help stabilise their income is right, an increase of ten percentage points since 2022 and the highest level since 2013. Close to nine in ten (88%) are in favour of the EU continuing making subsidy payments to farmers for carrying out agricultural practices beneficial to the climate and the environment. The results also show that 62% agree that agriculture has already made a major contribution in fighting climate change.
In terms of priorities and expectations, an overwhelming majority of respondents replied that securing a stable supply of food in the EU at all times (94%), ensuring reasonable food prices for consumers (92%), ensuring sustainable management of natural resources (91%), and strengthening the farmer’s role in the food chain (90%) are important.
EU trade agreements are widely seen as a success by Europeans, with a large majority believing they bring significant benefits to EU agriculture and consumers. Specifically, 76% agree that these agreements ensure diversification of markets and supplies of agricultural products in the EU. More than seven in ten think that these trade deals enhance exports for EU agricultural products around the globe (73%) and that they promote EU labour and environmental standards, including animal welfare for agricultural production in other countries (71%).
Concerning the awareness of European quality labels, most Europeans (56%) recognise the organic farming logo, while the protected geographical indication (PGI) and the protected designation of origin (PDO) logos could benefit from wider recognition.
This is the eighth Eurobarometer survey on ‘Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP’, conducted in all 27 EU Member States between 13 June and 8 July 2024. 26,349 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed in their national language. The survey provides a comprehensive overview of Europeans’ attitudes towards agriculture and the CAP.
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Eurobarometer – European Commission
I am delighted that EU citizens are showing unprecedented awareness and support for the Common Agricultural Policy. It has become a real building block of European integration and shows the importance of farmers and agriculture in our society. Our citizens trust our policies to help farmers provide safe food, adopt environmentally-friendly practices and boost employment in rural areas. This is a real European success story, shaping a sustainable future for all.
Source – EU Commission