Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Lisbon, 24 January 2025

The EU Drug Agency’s Scientific Committee concluded its first meeting in Lisbon today, electing Marieke Liem to the position of Chairperson and Fernando Rodrigues de Fonseca to the position of Deputy Chairperson.

Prof. Dr Liem is a specialist in criminology and clinical psychology and works as Professor of Violence and Interventions at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. Prof. Dr Rodrigues de Fonseca is affiliated to the IBIMA Institute of Malaga and specialises in the neurobiology of drug addiction.

Commenting on the election results, EUDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel said: ‘I warmly congratulate Marieke Liem and Fernando Rodrigues de Fonseca on their election. In these key positions, they will steer the Scientific Committee in providing specialist guidance to the agency on scientific matters and issuing expert opinions on key issues.’

He continued: ‘Today’s inaugural meeting lays the foundations for rigorous scientific analysis and advice, reinforcing EUDA’s commitment to independent, evidence-based decision-making. I look forward to the Committee’s valuable contributions in supporting the agency’s new mission’.

The Scientific Committee is an indispensable pillar of the agency and contributes significantly to its pursuit of scientific excellence. It is composed of 15 high-level scientists, selected through a public selection process, based on scientific merit and independence. Since members of the Committee are appointed in a personal capacity, they provide opinions independently of their country and of the Community institutions.

The 15 members of the new Committee were appointed at the inaugural meeting of the agency’s Management Board in July 2024, following a call for expressions of interest. Their primary role is to assist the EUDA Management Board and Executive Director by delivering opinions on any scientific matter concerning the agency’s activity, such as work programmes and key reports. The Chairperson participates as an observer in the meetings of the Management Board.

A key responsibility of the Committee is the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances (NPS). To support this work, the Management Board approved a list of additional experts specialising in NPS, selected through a dedicated call for expression of interest. This expert pool, valid for four years, will be consulted as needed for their specific expertise.

During this week’s meeting, EUDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel welcomed the new members and updated them on the work of the agency. Scientific Director Paul Griffiths also briefed the Committee on its mandate, working methods, and procedural rules.

In his welcome address to the new Committee, Alexis Goosdeel acknowledged the invaluable contributions of Paul Griffiths and Roumen Sedefov to the agency’s scientific work over the years, as they both enter retirement.

Source – EUDA


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