Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Brussels, 20 December 2024

Leading MEPs welcome EU-Switzerland deal

Statement by the MEPs with leading roles on relations with Switzerland on the announced conclusion of negotiations on a broad package of measures for bilateral relations.

The Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister (EPP, DE), the Chair of the Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee Andreas Schwab (EPP, DE) and the Committee on Foreign Affairs’ standing rapporteur on Switzerland Christophe Grudler (Renew, FR) made the following statement on Friday, 20 December:

“We welcome the conclusion of negotiations on a broad package of measures for future EU-Switzerland relations. This marks a significant milestone in advancing and deepening the already close relationship between the European Union and Switzerland.

The European Union and Switzerland have a long-standing relationship founded on common values. This partnership carries considerable political and economic significance, reflecting the importance both parties attach to ensuring that their cooperation, including through an enhanced parliamentary dimension, becomes modernised and remains predictable.

By aiming to secure a level playing field and greater certainty, the package of measures establishes conditions under which our citizens, businesses, and research communities can continue to thrive.

The European Parliament will now carefully analyse the text of the agreements and engage in a comprehensive, balanced, and future-oriented debate. We welcome the parliamentary cooperation foreseen in the package of measures and look forward to working collaboratively to ensure that the final outcome delivers tangible benefits for all citizens, consumers, and businesses on both sides, ultimately reinforcing trust, prosperity, and a shared vision for a stable and sustainable future.”

Next steps

The text of the agreements will undergo a legal review, after which it will be translated into all official EU languages. When these steps are completed, the European Commission will present the package to Parliament and the Council. Once the Council concludes its deliberations and agrees on the signing of the agreements, it will request Parliament to give its consent. Parliament must give its consent for any international agreement to be concluded and enter into force. After a committee level examination, the plenary would decide whether to approve or reject the agreements.

Renew Europe: Historic EU-Switzerland Agreement revamps bilateral relations

Brussels, 20 December 2024

After a decade of negotiations, Switzerland and the European Union have finally reached a groundbreaking cooperation agreement to revamp their relationship. This agreement aims to strengthen ties between Swiss and European citizens, modernize common rules, facilitate daily life for citizens and businesses, ensure balanced economic development and solidarity.

Renew Europe Group has advocated for long for such an agreement between the EU and Switzerland based on mutual trust and a level playing field.

The EU is Switzerland’s main trading partner and Switzerland is the EU’s fourth largest trading partner. Today, around 1.4 million EU citizens live in Switzerland, representing 16% of the country’s population, while 400,000 Swiss citizens live in EU countries. In addition, 340.000 EU citizens travel to Switzerland every day to work.

The agreement includes :

  1. New bilateral agreements in crucial areas such as electricity, health, and food safety.
  2. Dynamic alignment of existing and future agreements with EU law
  3. Swiss participation in European programs (e.g., Horizon Europe, Creative Europe).
  4. Regular Swiss financial contributions to the EU for social and economic cohesion.

The European Parliament will examine the agreement before ratification and Switzerland will likely hold a referendum for approval.

Renew MEP Christophe GRUDLER (MoDem, France), the European Parliament’s permanent rapporteur for relations with Switzerland, said : “This agreement marks a significant milestone in Swiss-EU relations, addressing the need for solutions in an increasingly uncertain global context following the failed 2021 negotiations. Switzerland, although not part of the European Union, is deeply linked to our Europe. We share common values. I would like to pay tribute to the work of the European Commission and the Swiss Federal Council, who have demonstrated a genuine political will to move forward together.”

Source – Renew Europe (by email)


Statement des EU-Abgeordneten Schwab (CDU) zum neuen EU-Schweiz-Abkommen

Zum neuen Kooperationsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Schweiz erklärt Andreas Schwab (CDU), Vorsitzender der Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments für die Beziehungen zur Schweiz und den EFTA-Staaten sowie binnenmarktpolitischer Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion:

„Heute ist ein guter Tag für die Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweiz: Nach insgesamt fast 20 Jahren Gesprächen, Verhandlungen und Sondierungen gibt es endlich eine Übereinkunft zwischen beiden Partnern. Mein Dank gilt vor allem der Europäischen Kommission und dem Vizepräsidenten Šefčovič. Aber ich danke auch den Schweizer Verhandlungsführern. Die Schweiz hat sehr gut verhandelt. Für ein kleines Land in der Mitte Europas ist das ja nicht immer ganz einfach. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Vorzüge des friedlichen Miteinanders in Europa jetzt auch einen adäquaten Platz in der Schweizer Debatte vor den zu erwartenden Volksabstimmungen bekommen.“


Das Abkommen umfasst die Modernisierung von fünf bestehenden Abkommen, darunter Luft- und Landverkehr sowie Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen, um die Integration der Schweiz in den Binnenmarkt der EU zu stärken. Es enthält zudem neue Vereinbarungen, die unter anderem die Teilnahme der Schweiz am EU-Strommarkt, an EU-Programmen wie Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ und EU4Health sowie die Schaffung eines gemeinsamen Lebensmittelsicherheitsraums vorsehen. EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen ist heute in der Schweiz, um den erfolgreichen Abschluss zu unterstreichen. Das Abkommen wird nun einem Ratifizierungsprozess unterzogen.


BusinessEurope: EU-Switzerland Agreements will ensure stability and predictability for business

Brussels, 20 December 2024

The EU and Switzerland have successfully concluded negotiations on a package of agreements that allow Swiss companies’ sectoral participation in the Single Market. This includes updates to existing bilateral agreements and new agreements in key areas such as electricity, food safety and health. Switzerland will gain access to EU programmes, including Horizon Europe.

BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer welcomed the news and stated:

“The conclusion of negotiations between the EU and Switzerland is an important step to stabilise and further reinforce bilateral relations. For European businesses, these agreements are critical for safeguarding and deepening existing value chains and ensuring that companies operate under clear and predictable rules. In today’s complex geopolitical environment, the agreements help to create a more integrated and resilient European economy. We now call on both sides to show a strong political commitment and take the necessary steps for swift implementation of the agreements.”

Source – BusinessEurope (by email)


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