Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Brussels, 25/1/2022

This Wednesday, the Committee on Constitutional Affairs is inviting experts for an exchange with MEPs in a public hearing on the role of the European political parties.

The role of European political parties in a truly pan-European political debate and the challenges, but also opportunities arising from social media platforms in this particular context, are matters that Parliament has been looking into for several years.

Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs will host a public hearing with, three renowned experts, intended to shed light on how pluralism, transparency, security, and legal certainty can be safeguarded and promoted. The guest speakers are:

  • Thomas Risse, Professor of International Relations, Freie Universität Berlin;
  • Antonio Bar Cendón, Professor of Constitutional Law & Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” of EU Law & Politics, University of Valencia; and
  • Uta Rußmann, Senior Researcher, FHWien der WKW, University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication.

When: Wednesday 26 January 2022, 13.45 – 15.15

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak building, room 3C50, with remote participation.

How: Follow the meeting live here.

For more information, download the programme of the meeting, or see the complete list of participants.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, journalists are strongly advised to follow the meeting online.


According to the Treaty on European Union, European political parties contribute to forming European political awareness and expressing citizens’ will. In its 2020 resolution that took stock of the 2019 European elections, Parliament regards European political parties as facilitators of a successful European political debate, both during and beyond European elections, which should be rendered more visible. It also believes that difficulties encountered with political ads on social media platforms in electoral campaigns show a need to harmonise campaign rules in the EU.

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