Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
Plenary session, Strasbourg

Russian invasion of Ukraine. In two debates, MEPs will discuss how to handle the increasing number of refugees fleeing from the war in Ukraine and look into the EU’s role in a changing world as well as Europe’s security situation in the wake of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas will take part in this latter debate. A press conference by President Metsola and Ms Kallas is scheduled to follow the debate, at around 12.30. (Tuesday, Wednesday)

Fighting off foreign interference and disinformation. MEPs will vote on the final report by the Special Committee on Foreign Interference and Disinformation. They are set to say that a lack of EU measures and awareness allow malign foreign actors to interfere in EU democracy, and propose countermeasures such as sanctions or revoking the licenses of organisations that distribute foreign state propaganda. A press conference is scheduled for 14:30 on Tuesday. (debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday)

International Women’s Day. To mark International Women’s Day, Ukrainian writer Oksana Zaboujko will address MEPs during a solemn sitting, followed by debates on the EU’s Gender Action Plan and gender mainstreaming (Tuesday). On Monday, the EP Media Service will hold seminar for journalists on ‘‘Towards a better gender equality: Legislative work of the European Parliament’’, with key MEPs. President Metsola will deliver the closing remarks.

Banning ‘Golden passports’. MEPs are set to call for a ban on ‘citizenship by investment’ and EU-wide rules for ‘residence by investment’ schemes, which would strictly limit the role of intermediaries. A press conference will take place on Wednesday morning. (debate Monday, vote results Wednesday)

Rule of law. Following last session’s debate, MEPs will vote on a resolution assessing the implications of the recent decision by the European Court of Justice to uphold the Rule of Law conditionality regulation and dismiss the appeals brought by Hungary and Poland. (vote Wednesday, results Thursday)

New EU rules for batteries. Parliament will debate and vote on new EU measures on the design, production and disposal of batteries, ahead of negotiations with EU governments. A press conference is scheduled for Wednesday at 14.00. (debate Wednesday, vote Thursday)

Setting up Special Committees and committee of inquiry. Parliament will vote on a second mandate of the Special Committee on Foreign Interference and Disinformation and decide whether to set up a special committee looking into the COVID-19 pandemic and a committee of inquiry on the Pegasus spyware affair. (Wednesday)

Conference on the Future of Europe. The fourth plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe will take place in Strasbourg to discuss recommendations from two European Citizens’ Panels on: “EU in the world / migration” and “A stronger economy, social justice and jobs / Education, culture, youth and sport / Digital transformation” (Friday to Saturday).

President’s Diary. EP President Metsola will meet the Minister for EU Affairs of Czechia, Mikuláš Bek, before her opening address at the #EUwomen4future event. On Wednesday, President Metsola will have a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas, before the latter’s address to plenary.

Last-minute briefing. On Monday at 16.30, Parliament’s Spokesperson will hold a press briefing on the plenary session, which starts at 17:00.

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