One year on from the adoption of the proposal for a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, the Commission is today presenting a Report on Migration and Asylum. Today’s report takes stock of progress achieved and key developments in migration and asylum policy over the past year and a half, identifies the key challenges, and highlights the prospects for progress, setting out the steps that will lead to a more robust, viable and fair migration and asylum policy. In addition to the data provided in the report on migration and asylum, new statistical information is also available on a dedicated statistics webpage updated today.
The Commission is also adopting a renewed EU action plan against migrant smuggling and a Communication on the application of the Employers Sanctions Directive. As part of the comprehensive approach to migration under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, these initiatives aim to prevent organised exploitation of migrants and reduce irregular migration, in coherence with the New Pact’s aim to promote sustainable and orderly management of migration. The initiatives will address both persistent challenges in dismantling organised criminal groups, as well as the need to adapt to new challenges including state-sponsored migrant smuggling, in response to the situation at the EU’s external borders with Belarus. As an immediate step the Commission is also proposing today to partially suspend the EU–Belarus Visa Facilitation Agreement for officials of the Belarus regime.
More information on the Report on Migration and Aslyum, the renewed EU action plan against migrant smuggling and the Communication on the application of the Employers Sanctions Directive is available in:
More information on the proposal to partially suspend the EU–Belarus Visa Facilitation Agreement for officials of the Belarus regime is available in:
Follow the press conference with Vice-President Schinas and Commissioner Johansson live on EbS.