Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Brussels, 21 June 2024

Expanding the capacity of the European electricity system requires not only securing investments but also enhancing the efficiency of infrastructure by deploying smart solutions, which can be faster and more cost-effective than conventional grid options.

Energy regulators play an important role in ensuring efficient infrastructure, which is the foundation of secure system operation, well-functioning electricity markets and facilitating the roll-out of more renewables, by:

  • encouraging network operators to effectively deploy all types of network technologies;
  • promoting cost-efficient investments; and
  • maximising the value of grid investments for network users.

The 2023 Energy Infrastructure Forum’s conclusions tasked ACER and CEER to develop discussion papers on smart grids’ key performance indicators for electricity transmission and distribution networks.

ACER and CEER invite feedback on the guiding principles by 28 July, after which the aim is to develop concrete smart-grid Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for both Transmission and Distribution System Operators. Submit your feedback to by 28 July.

Source CEER (by email)


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