Brussels, 6 December 2023
Czechia’s second and third payment request concerns a total of 14 milestones and 14 targets for €702 million (net of pre-financing).
This request covers a set of transformative reforms aimed at speeding up the digitalisation of public administration by setting up digitalisation competence centres, supporting the development of electronic communication networks, and making transport greener through the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Czech cities.
The payment request also covers a set of investments that will strengthen sustainability in key policy areas, for instance, through new and enhanced railway projects, by planting climate-resilient trees, supporting the circular economy and increases to flood protection. Other investments promote cooperation between private companies and public research organisations, digitalisation, the strengthening of cybersecurity, and the increase in accessibility to open data.
Payments under the RRF are performance-based and contingent on Czechia implementing the investments and reforms outlined in its recovery and resilience plan.
The Commission will now assess the request and will then send its preliminary assessment of Czechia’s fulfilment of the milestones and targets required for these payments to the Council’s Economic and Financial Committee.
More information on the process of the payment requests under the RRF is available in this Q&A. More information on the Czech recovery and resilience plan is available here.
Source – EU Commission