Tue. Dec 10th, 2024

See question(s) : P-000966/2021

EN P-000966/2021

Answer given by Executive Vice-President Vestager on behalf of the European Commission


The Commission is fully aware that speed is of the essence. Since March 2020, the Commission has been committed to treat COVID-19 related notifications as a matter of priority and to assess and approve measures in a short timeframe. In total, the Commission has adopted over 500 State aid decisions since March 2020, approving aid worth over EUR 3 trillion in the EU.

The Commission adopted the 4th amendment of the Temporary Framework on 13 October 2020, introducing a new measure to enable Member States to support companies in the form of compensation of their uncovered fixed costs.

In view of this new provision of the Temporary Framework, the Swedish authorities approached the Commission in November 2020 to informally discuss, in the context of the pre-notification phase, the way the modification to the Temporary Framework could be best incorporated into the existing national tool box to support undertakings facing turnover losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to prolong and adjust their initial compensation scheme for undertakings, SA.57372, as already amended by SA.58631. These discussions resulted in adjustments to the Swedish initial support scheme. The Swedish authorities eventually notified the modified scheme on 2 February 2021 under the number SA.60275, approved by a decision on 12 February 2021 /1.

1 Case SA.60275 EUR 1.4 billion Swedish scheme to support uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by coronavirus outbreak IP/21/583

© European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Answer to a written question – Reorientation support for Swedish companies – P-000966/2021(ASW)

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