Brussels, 21 April 2023
3 May 2023 – Public hearing in the framework of the 1st meeting of the Study Group REX/576 The EU Climate Diplomacy
On 3 May 2023 the European Economic and Social Committee is hosting a half-day hybrid hearing in the framework of its opinion on the EU Climate Diplomacy.
The purpose of the hearing will be to contribute to the EESC own-initiative opinion by collecting suggestions on how to make the EU Climate Diplomacy more effective. We will explore the geopolitical repercussions of the European Green Deal for business actors and debate on how to intensify the dialogue on business opportunities and risks related to climate change. We will also see if climate change can lead to an intensified cooperation with EU partners and foster international trade.
The expert panels will debate on whether the EU should reconsider its approach towards climate diplomacy and will try to identify ways to facilitate climate action and better coordination of related policies at all levels (European, national, regional and local). We will look at how the EU civil society can be empowered to have a greater say on the implementation of the green transition. We will also discuss whether the EU should take a leading role when it comes to climate diplomacy and what are the implications of such a choice.
For further information, please contact the REX Section Secretariat.
Source – EESC