Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Brussels, 8 February 2023

Today, the Commission launched the public consultation on the future of learning mobility in view of its policy proposal later this year. This consultation aims to inform citizens and all interested parties about the upcoming proposal and to gather evidence and their views. The EU and its Member States are committed to promoting cross-border learning mobility in the European Education Area for all learners, educators and staff.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:

Learning mobility strengthens the sense of togetherness and inspires us to appreciate the diversity of the European Union; it allows us to meet new people, make friends and, most significantly, to learn and progress. We believe it should be made easier for learners to know about opportunities and moving easily between education systems in different countries. This public consultation is an opportunity to listen to all involved stakeholders and make the European Education Area a reality.

Cross-border learning mobility has proven to be a highly valuable experience for people in gaining knowledge, skills and competences needed for personal, educational, and professional development, as well as civic engagement and social inclusion. However, still only 15% of young people have undertaken studies, training or apprenticeships in another EU country. Therefore, as announced in its 2023 Work programme, the Commission has decided to put forward a proposal to update the current EU learning mobility framework, to enable students to move more easily between education systems and promote learning mobility as an opportunity for everyone. The main barriers to taking part in learning mobility and ways to address them will be discussed through public consultation with citizens and stakeholders, such as learners, educators, staff in all education and training sectors, youth workers, apprentices and sport staff. Especially organisations sending and receiving participants in mobility activities, including employers, are welcome to share their feedback. Inputs from decision-makers, stakeholder organisations and researchers are also very valuable.

The call for evidence and public consultation questionnaire made available in all EU languages will be open for 12 weeks. They can be accessed on Have your Say portal.

Source – EU Commission


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