Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
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What's next for digital infrastructures in Europe? Photo by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay

Today’s comprehensive set of conclusions provide a clear political guidance on what Europe needs in terms of digital infrastructure in the coming years to improve its competitiveness and address the current and future challenges.

Zoltán Kovács, Hungarian minister of state for international communication and relations

In light of the Commission’s White Paper and the recent Draghi and Letta reports, the Council conclusions aim to take stock of the progress made at European level, with particular attention to digital infrastructures, while identifying the numerous challenges that still lie ahead. The conclusions also aim to convey a comprehensive set of messages on fostering innovation, ensuring security and resilience, promoting fair competition, and driving investments in digital infrastructures to advance the EU’s competitiveness and digital transformation goals.

The text of the conclusions touches upon important questions, such as the possible convergence of cloud and telecoms in the digital ecosystem – where the significance of an impact assessment is stressed – or market consolidation, where the need for effective competition in the relevant market is highlighted.

Regulatory matters are also covered in the set of conclusions. Maintaining the possibility of ex-ante control on certain access markets, as well as taking into account member states’ specificities, competition, and consumer welfare in the context of the migration from copper to fibre, are emphasised in the text.

Read the EU Commission White Paper


Read the EU Council Conclusions


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Stakeholders’ replies on White Paper – ‘How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?’

 | Academic/research Institution

 | Academic/research Institution

The white paper is a needed action from the EU on a critical aspect of our society. Several aspects should be highlighted though. – There are needs to reinforce the deployment of mobile technologies. Current 5G roll-outs are not achieving the industry impact which was thought. The challenge is not on coverage, but on the usage of advanced technologies, and how to steer European society into a more advanced usage of digital technologies. – This…

 | Other

I welcome the opportunity to submit comments to the Commission’s Consultation on its White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. I submit my comments as a professor of law and, by courtesy, electrical engineering at Stanford University whose research focuses on Internet architecture, innovation, and regulation. I do not speak for Stanford University. I have a Ph.D. in computer science and a law degree and have worked on…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Internet Society (ISOC) France welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the consultation on the white paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?” In 2023, Internet Society France responded to the European Commissions exploratory consultation on the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure. In our response we highlighted the importance to increase trust of European citizens in new and emerging…

 | Business association

Dear Sir/Medam, Enclosed the reaction on the consultation of the Dutch Data Center Association. Regards, Andrew van der Haar Senior Advisor

 | Business association

Český telekomunikační klastr z.s. (dále též jen jako ČTKK) je asociací více než dvaceti subjektů podnikajících v odvětví informačních technologií a elektronických komunikací v České republice. Našimi členy jsou především regionální poskytovatelé připojení k internetu a souvisejících služeb. Jako takoví se naši členové významnou měrou podílejí na pokrytí České republiky cenově dostupnou a vysoce kvalitní službou připojení k internetu. Z tohoto…

 | Company/business

Transatel appreciates the opportunity to submit its views on the European Commissions White Paper – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? While Transatel welcomes the recognition in the White Paper that both digital infrastructure and service are vital to ensuring the future competitiveness of all European economic sectors, Transatel is deeply concerned with the potential usage of sectoral regulation to promote market…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Summary of comments, please see attached PDF for full comments. Introduction At a high level, we welcome the commission’s focus on (critical) infrastructure in the union. However, the white paper has several shortcomings, ranging from a misunderstanding of how several core technologies work to a misunderstanding of business incentives in the long and short term. In parts, the white paper is heavily biased towards certain types of vertically…

 | Business association

Wir erlauben uns nachstehend kurz Stellung zu beziehen: Im Kontext globaler Herausforderungen und neuer technologischer Möglichkeiten gewinnt der Ausbau digitaler Infrastrukturen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Digitale Netzwerke können für die Industrie entscheidend sein, sowohl in Bezug auf Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationsführerschaft als auch im Bereich der Cybersecurity, wo sie eine immer bedeutendere Rolle spielen. Es wird daher begrüßt, dass…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Open Future appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. We welcome the fact that the Commission is actively exploring Europe’s digital infrastructure needs and we agree with the overall assessment that further investment in digital infrastructure must be prioritized in the second half of Europe’s ‘digital decade’. However, in our view, much of…

 | Company/business

Netnod welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the consultation launched on 24 February 2024 on the European Commissions White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs? (hereinafter WP). Netnod has the following comments: – The leitmotif of the WP concerns further convergence and vertical integration of networks in the EU; This is contrary to the Internet model and contrary to the findings of BEREC – The WP confuses…

 | Public authority

Zasílám zpětnou vazbu na návrh Bílé knihy v přiloženém souboru. Za Komisi IT a digitalizace Středočeského kraje. Člen IT Komise Asociace Krajů České republiky Mgr. Jakub Rejzek, MBA, LL.M.

 | Business association

Anitec-Assinform welcomes the opportunity to comment on the white paper published by the Commission and to contribute to the identification of the most effective strategies to successfully overcome the challenges facing the digital infrastructure sector in Europe today. Please find Anitec-Assinform feedback in the attached document.

 | Company/business

Mastercard Europe welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation. Please find our response to the consultation in the attachment.

 | Other

The vision presented by the Commission in its White Paper highlights what it considers to be the imperative of developing high-speed, efficient, and secure networks, which are viewed as essential pillars of competitiveness across all sectors. Embedded within a specific regulatory framework, particularly that of the objectives set for the Digital Decade 2030, this vision doesnt question the purposes, the environmental impacts of the system and…

 | Company/business

Overall, the White Paper is very disappointing. While it has some useful input and ideas on security and submarine networks, it has huge flaws in areas including: – private networks – 5G – cloud vs telecom – interconnect – spectrum – competition – wholesale regulation Some of the problems are factual inaccuracy or vagueness, such as a lack of definition of “private networks”, or some confused references to Wi-Fi in a section on 5G site…

 | Company/business

United Group BV is a telecommunication and media group active in eastern Europe. In particular, we provide fixed and mobile telecommunication services in four EU member states (Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia). We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Public Consultation on the White Paper on How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? issued by the European Commission (EC) on 21st February 2024. Please find our detailed…

 | Business association

With over 2500 members from 500+ organisations, Beltug is the largest Belgian association of CIOs & Digital Technology leaders. We cover their priorities such as vendor and software asset management, 5G, hybrid IT, cyber security, artificial intelligence, the hybrid workplace, IoT, privacy, data governance, and many more. Beltug represents the business ICT users at the European and international levels, in close cooperation with organisations…

 | Company/business

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Public Consultation on the White Paper on How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? issued by the European Commission (EC) on 21st February 2024. Please find our detailed comments in the attached document. Detlef Fuehrer Director Spectrum Management and Regulatory Affairs EMEA Hewlett Packard Enterprise 12 rue du Château dEau, L-3364 Leudelange, Luxembourg

 | Non-EU citizen

We understand that EU does not have a single market for electronic communications networks and services, but 27 national markets with different supply and demand conditions, network architectures, different levels of coverage of very high-capacity networks, and for avoiding the fragmentation of the European telecoms sector it will require a significant investment. Cybersecurity is a technical issue. To make sure the EU is ready for a digital…

 | Public authority

The Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy of Cyprus welcomes the opportunity to participate in the public consultation on the White Paper, “How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?”. We have submitted our contribution in the attached document “Cyprus’ perspective on the White Paper on Connectivity” and look forward to continuing our engagement in the discussions shaping the future of this vital sector.

 | Non-EU citizen

In response to the digital age, the European Union is striving to secure technological leadership and strengthen its digital capabilities based on European values. As part of this, the “Building a digital future” (Shaping Europe’s digital future. ‘20.2)and “EU’s Digital Decade: 2030 Digital Targets” (Europe’s Digital Decade. ‘21.3) is a key policy that sets out the goals and directions of the EU’s digital policy. These policies strengthen the…

 | Company/business

Please find Ericsson’s view on the White Paper in the below attachment

 | Company/business

Fibre Alliance Denmark (Fiberalliancen) welcomes the Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?” as a basis for en open discussion on the scope and content of a potential future Digital Networks Act and more largely on the strategic orientation to take for the digital decade. We refer to the attached response paper from the European Local Fibre Alliance (ELFA), including Fibre Alliance Denmark Best regards…

 | Company/business

This contribution schematically focuses on all the scenarios listed in the White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? with the idea to strengthen the EU competitiveness while mastering Europe’s digital infrastructure needs.

 | Business association

The European Local Fibre Alliance (ELFA) welcomes the European Commission’s White Paper How to master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs? as a basis for an open discussion with the incoming Commission on the scope and content of a potential future Digital Networks Act and a strategic direction for Europe’s digital future. Please find attached our response paper to the White Paper. We view the presentation of the White Paper as a basis for…

 | Company/business

We welcome the opportunity to provide our comments on the proposals presented in the White paper on How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs. For the White paper, Europe is standing currently at a cross-road; either it addresses the various challenges highlighted in the White paper in terms of connectivity, technological transformation, investments needs, lack of a digital single market, due mainly to a fragmented approach of radio…

 | Business association

On behalf of Chamber of Progress a tech industry association supporting public policies to build a more inclusive world in which all people benefit from technological leaps we appreciate the opportunity to share this feedback on the White Paper titled How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? Our feedback is in the attached document.

 | Company/business

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, anbei übersende ich Ihnen die Stellungnahme der Eurofiber Netz GmbH zum Whitepaper DNA. Mit freundlichen Grüße Ute Hindenlang

 | Business association

The Danish Chamber of Commerce appreciates the Commission’s publication of the White Paper, How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? and the opportunity to contribute to the consultation. Please find attached our contribution. Regards from the Danish Chamber of Commerce.

 | Business association

Open Allies Foundation presents its position on White Paper – How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?

 | Other

BEREC appreciates the opportunity to participate in the public consultation on the White Paper on “How to master European’s digital infrastructure needs?”. We provide our contribution in the attachment and look forward to further engaging in the debate on the future of the sector. Note: BEREC sent two documents to the European Commission – high-level input and document which contains more detailed analysis. Both documents are merged into one…

 | Business association

GeSI is a member-centric global business association dedicated to leading the movement that defines, demonstrates, and acts on the enabling role of digital solutions in sustainability. Collectively, GeSI members represent nearly US$4T of market capitalization and play leadership roles on every continent. With over two decades of experience in facilitating sustainable solutions using digital technologies, GeSIs has become an increasingly…

 | Company/business

Verisure, a leading European provider of monitored security systems, welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure?. The White Paper discusses the need for a coordinated switch-off of 2G and 3G networks while supporting critical legacy services like emergency communications. Verisure emphasizes the risks of a premature and uncoordinated shutdown, which would…

 | Company/business

Law Firm Nagy és Trócsányi appreciates the opportunity to comment this white paper that represents an important milestone of the Commissions efforts to create a comprehensive and state of the art legislative basis for a secure and competitive digital network infrastructure for Europe. However, we would like to express our concerns in connection with the Commissions approach to the qualification of certain third-country suppliers as high-risk…

| Business association

Comentarios de la Asociación de Proveedores Españoles de Cloud y Data Center (APECDATA), con el deatlle de algunos obstáculos presentes en las empresas que formamos parte de la cadena de suministro y soporte de infraestructuras digitales de los servicios de cloud computing en España.

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The Free Software Foundation Europe thanks the European Commission for the opportunity to provide input to its consultation on the White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. You will find our feedback in the attachment.

 | Business association

Se adjunta documento con los comentarios de La Asociación de Proveedores Españoles de Cloud y Data Center, (APECDATA). Asociación española formada por proveedores de servicios Cloud y Data Center que tiene como objetivos promover dichos servicios con los criterios europeos de protección de datos, y favorecer la diversidad de la oferta en beneficio de los clientes y del sector.

 | Company/business

Goede avond We hebben er lang over nagedacht of we feedback zouden geven op jullie Whitebook maar uiteindelijk hebben we besloten onze mening met jullie te delen omdat we denken dat de digitale infrastructuur in Europa alleen maar goed, snel en veilig kan worden opgezet als er verder gekeken wordt dan de huidige grote providers en als er over landsgrenzen heen mag worden samengewerkt. Wij hebben met ons product AirInternet de ideale oplossing…

 | Business association

GSOA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on theWhite Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? GSOA applauds the ECs high ambitions of deploying state-of-the-art connectivity in Europe. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that we avoid deepening the digital divide. The EUs connectivity goals have to align with the realities of consumer demand, based on a technology neutral approach, whereby all technologies…

 | Public authority

Dear Sirs and Madams, thanks for giving the opportunity to give feedback to the White Paper on digital infrastructure. Attached, you can find a letter by Lower Saxony’s Minister for the Economy, Traffic, Construction and Digitization, which includes the modernization of telecommunications networks as well as regulation of the telecommunication market. If there are any questions to answer, I’ll be happy to oblige. Regards, Albrecht Lower…

 | Academic/research Institution

From TNÓ’s involvements in Dig.Infra developments we have made the following observation in which we focused on the aspects concerning Telco, Cloud and Edge. Also see attachment. 1) The title of the document suggests a broad vision on digital infrastructures. The content of the document however limits digital infrastructure to physical infrastructure and digital control over these networks (NaaS). The paper doesnt mention PaaS and SaaS as part…

 | Company/business

AT&T commends the European Commission for analyzing the challenges Europe faces in the rollout of future connectivity as well as in achieving a European Single Market. A true EU Single Market for electronic communication services is still some way from completion. This is particularly the case as regards services provided to larger enterprises with international telecommunication needs. Discrepancies between Member States and a…

 | Company/business

W związku z zaproszeniem Komisji Europejskiej (KE) do składania stanowisk do opracowania nazwanego Białą Księgą zatytułowanego Jak zaspokoić potrzeby infrastruktury cyfrowej Europy?, w którym przedstawiono wyzwania, przed którymi stoi obecnie Europa w związku z wdrażaniem przyszłych sieci łączności, chcielibyśmy przedstawić jako kancelaria prawna Rogalski i Wspólnicy specjalizująca się w regulacjach teleinformatycznych swoje uwagi, które ze…

 | Company/business

We provide our position regarding perceived restrictions proposed in the White Paper and how these could affect the various stakeholders in Cyprus across many industries (telecoms, education, tech, banking, professional services, health etc.): Being a small market, Cyprus has limited capabilities to attract large scale and big providers and therefore needs to be able to also have access to smaller providers who would be willing to extend their…

 | Business association

Comments on proposed point 2.4.1: 1. IT assocation of Slovekia welcomes the release of the European Commission’s White Paper on how to manage Europe’s digital infrastructure needs, including a series of forward-looking solutions to reinvigorate network investment in Europe. However, we disagree that our member Huawei is riskier as a 5G vendor than other companies. 2. Contrary to the claims made in the Commission’s 15 June 2023 Communication on...

 | Business association

Achieving the Digital Decade targets by 2030 is a crucial milestone to foster innovation across industries and improve the well-being of European citizens. As the recent Letta report and our Agenda for Action 2024 point out, the Single Market must aim to make European industrial capacity compatible with the transformation of our economy. By reducing regulatory burden, establishing the right framework for innovation and promoting the green and…

 | Company/business

Cisco applauds the Commissions work to identify challenges for Europes digital infrastructure and discuss possible public policy responses. We are committed to helping the Commission, and the EU more widely, to meet this challenge. Digital Infrastructures are the backbone of the Internet. AI-driven innovation is set to revolutionize our entire way of life, and the investment needed to prepare properly will be significant. Part of this…

 | Company/business

NORDUnet and Nordic Research and Education Networks response to the EU White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? Along with a Recommendation on secure and resilient submarine cable infrastructure published February 26, 2024, the European Commission is asking for input on a set of scenarios contained in the White Paper. With this response, NORDUnet and the Nordic National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) would like…

 | Business association

Hi, Please find attached the response from InfraNum to the public consultation “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. Than you in advance for taking it into consideration. Best regards, Julia Perraudin InfraNum

 | Company/business

A NOS Comunicações, S.A., NOS Açores, S.A. e NOS Madeira, S.A., doravante conjuntamente designadas por NOS, vêm pelo presente documento apresentar os seus comentários à consulta promovida pela Comissão Europeia sobre o seu Livro Branco Como satisfazer as necessidades da Europa em matéria de infraestruturas digitais?

 | Company/business

Also as Member of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Cloud & Edge, where we for once lead the Digital Sovereignty Taskforce, co-lead the Cybersecurity Taskforce and the Common Trust Taskforce, having contributed to the Thematic Roadmap on TelcoEdgeCloud that is mentioned in the draft White Paper already and has now been handed-over to the Commission on 27 June 2024, and in stance also having been and being active as Consortium Partner…

 | Company/business

Liberty Global welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Commissions White Paper: How to master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. We applaud the Commission for its description and assessment of trends and challenges in the digital infrastructure sector. Our response is focused on Pillar II. Gigabit networks fixed and mobile are the catalyst of the wider European society and economy. They bring consumers and businesses together by…

 | Company/business

Please see the attached file for Stokab’s response to the European Commissions public consultation on the White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?

 | Company/business

GO plc welcomes the opportunity to submit its feedback on the Euro

 | Company/business

Odido Netherlands B.V. warmly welcomes the opportunity to reply to the European Commission’s public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”. The response of Odido Netherlands B.V. to the public consultation and our recommendations in full can be found in the document attached.

 | Academic/research Institution

Our full submission is attached as a Word document below, which goes into each of the four areas (transparency; research, collaboration and digital literacy; financial incentives; and national moratoria and EU-wide law). This text box contains the introduction and conclusion from the submission: This submission is made by the Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy at the University of Cambridge, an independent team of academic…

 | Academic/research Institution

The i2CAT Foundation warmly welcomes the concept of the 3C Network that acknowledges the complexity of the new stakeholder ecosystem emerging from the convergence of multiple sectors forced by the impact of a new generation of AI technology. This complex ecosystem includes now semiconductors, edge, cloud and HPC, radio technologies, connectivity, and data management. The 3C Network is a new opportunity to put together an open and vibrant…

 | Company/business

Qualcomm is a long-standing advocate for a robust and open digital ecosystem where both small and large companies can compete and thrive. Europes telecom networks sit at the core of the digital ecosystem and the heart of EU economies and societies. To enable the development of a host of new, exciting technologies and services from Virtual Worlds right through to edge computing, it is essential that Europes digital infrastructure can meet the…

 | Company/business

Tele2 Sverige AB (Tele2) has taken part of the European Commissions (the Commission) White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? (the White Paper), which was circulated by the Commission for public consultation on February 21, 2024. Tele2 hereby submits its formal response to the consultation in the attached document.

 | EU citizen

Large parts of the White paper rehashes ideas from the previous 2023 consultation on “The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure” and includes much of the same issue The fair share concept that was highly criticized for posing a risk to net neutrality and distorting competition has been rephrased as dispute settlement, but is fundamentally the same idea with the same problems. Even worse so in this white paper as…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Society for Electronic Communications (SEC) is one of the oldest nonprofit telecom associations in Bulgaria. SEC’s mission is the creation and development of an equal competitive and non-discriminatory market in the field of electronic communications. SEC actively defends the neutrality of networks and the rights of users for free and full use of the Internet and the achievements of technical progress in communications. The management of SEC…

 | Business association

The CEO Alliance welcomes the European Commissions invitation to submit a response to its public consultation on the White Paper on Europes digital infrastructure needs. The CEO Alliance was founded in 2020 as a platform of eight European companies coming together to make decarbonisation happen. The CEO Alliance is a cross-sector action tank of leading European companies representing key industry sectors, with ~1.6 million employees and ~EUR…

 | Business association

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s White Paper “How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?”. Please find attached the Motion Picture Association’s submission.

 | Business association

The Portugal-Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHKCCI) is pleased that the European Commission is seeking to understand the digital infrastructure needs and, via this White Book, address its future challenges, considering that those infrastructures are the cornerstone of economic development. Nonetheless, it is contradictory that such an important initiative be prejudiced by an ideological point of view that limit the European…

 | Company/business

Cloudflare welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commissions White Paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?”, and to share our views and concerns around several different areas in the document. In our contribution (see attached) we discuss: 1) the EUs connectivity investment needs, including existing EU funding programmes and a comparison to the United States; 2) the White Papers analysis on a level playing…

 | Business association

Attached please find submission by Wi-Fi Alliance. Please confirm timely receipt of this submission via reply email to

 | Company/business

Amazon thanks the European Commission for the opportunity to provide input to its consultation on the white paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. Please find our contribution attached.

 | Company/business

Deutsche Telekom welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the European Commissions White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs?. We appreciate the initiative and the general direction of the Whitepaper and call on the European Commission to follow-up with a concrete legislative proposal for a Digital Networks Act as soon as possible, since urgent action is needed in light of the difficult state of the sector and the…

 | Business association

MVNO Europe is the trade association representing Mobile Virtual Network Operators: MVNOs currently supply +/- 10% of SIM cards in the European Union to millions of consumers, many thousands of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and supporting Internet of Things (IoT), for millions of connected cars and trucks, for shipping, transport and containers, for security applications, and for many other types of…

 | Business association

NLdigital heeft het white paper van de de Europese Commissie How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? met belangstelling gelezen. NLdigital verwelkomt de kans om bij te dragen aan deze consultatie. Bijgevoegd onze reactie.

 | Academic/research Institution

The French national programme agencies Digital: Algorithms, Software, and Usages (spearheaded by Inria) and Components, Systems, and Digital Infrastructures (spearheaded by CEA) are grateful for the opportunity to present their joint response to the European Commissions consultation How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. This response is furthermore endorsed by: France Universités The Conference of the Directors of French…

 | Business association

We hereby submit the views of the Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten, VATM e.V., and our member companies with regard to the “White Paper: How to master Europes infrastructure needs?”

 | Company/business

Please find attached our contribution to the public consultation.

| Other

Im beigefügten Dokument finden Sie die Stellungnahme des Verbunds der Telekommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (VTKE) zum White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. In the attached document you will find the statement of the Alliance of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE) on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”.

| Business association

Gentili, trasmettiamo in allegato il contributo della Coalizione del Cloud e Fixed Wireless Access al Libro Bianco. Cordiali saluti, Dario Denni, CFWA – Coalizione del Cloud e Fixed Wireless Access Segretario e Tesoriere +39 329-3172755

 | Company/business

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please find attached the Deutsche Glasfaser Response to the Consultation on the Commission White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. Best regards Christof Sommerberg

 | Consumer organisation

BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation welcomes the opportunity to reply to the European Commission’s public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”. BEUC’s response to the public consultation and our recommendations in full can be found in the document attached.

 | Company/business

The EU electronic communications framework has been working well overall, permitting Europe to achieve remarkable connectivity targets in terms of coverage, adoption by consumers and professional users, affordability and inclusion. Europe performs better than United States in FTTH and 5G stand-alone deployment, while some European Member States are amongst the most advanced countries in the world. The conceptualisation of “convergence” in the…

 | Company/business

Net4Future welcomes the revamped attention of the European Commission (EC) for the telecommunication industry, which is strategic for the success of the digital transition and to ensure secure and resilient infrastructures able to respond to the current global challenges. the project has been established in 2023 as part of the PNRR initiatives (Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3). Our reflections, detailed in the attached position paper…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The Consumer Forum supports availability of sufficient, stable, safe and affordable digital connectivity for Czech consumers and end-users which could be at least partly considered also as a declared aim of the White Paper How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? by European Commission, COM(2024) 81 final (hereinafter WP). To this end we stress the following points: 1) The WP rightly stresses that mobile and fixed broadband prices…

 | Business association

Feedback from the President of Comité Richelieu Numerical Transition Commission.

 | Business association

Legislation and regulation should be consistent with the principles of EU, Member State and international law, remain fair and technology-neutral, and at the same time should not result in excessive regulation, avoid negative impacts on operators and citizens right to freedom of choice, and on the value of an open economy. Operating HRV lists to exclude certain suppliers against the rule of law, the principle of equal treatment, does not allow…

 | Other

La France a célébré cette année les 20 ans de ladoption du dispositif législatif national français (article L. 1425-1 CGCT) qui a permis à nos collectivités territoriales adhérentes de devenir « opérateur de réseaux de télécommunications ». Cette disposition a permis dans un premier temps le déploiement des Réseaux dinitiative publique de première génération (RIP 1G, voir lannexe spécifique). Puis elle a rendu possible depuis 10 ans le…

 | Business association

EWIA, the European Wireless Infrastructure Association, welcomes the opportunity to share its views on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” adopted by the European Commission on 21 February 2024. As the European trade association of independent wholesale wireless infrastructure providers, EWIA advocates policies that facilitate and encourage network infrastructure investment and deployment with the goal of…

 | Company/business

Digi Communications N.V., a leading telecommunications group with a significant presence in the European Union, welcomes the opportunity to provide observations on the EU Commissions White Paper “How to Master Europes digital infrastructure needs?” Please find our feedback attached.

 | Company/business

Please see Sky Group’s full response to the consultation in the document attached.

 | Company/business

We at neXat have read the White Paper with great interest. However, we see that in the paper there is almost no reference to the advantages of satellite-based communications as a key part to Europes digital infrastructure needs. Specifically, we refer to the on-going EuGovsatcom program (that eventually will be part of the IRIS2 initiative), that is based on the pooling and sharing of satellite resources for the benefit of all European Nations…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs?published on 21 February. Issues relating to the further development of network infrastructure and the importance of the concept of net neutrality for rights and freedoms of EU citizens have always been of particular interest to our organization. We have commented extensively on the debate around network fees…

 | Business association

The Association of European Radios AER is the Europe-wide trade body for commercial radio, representing the interests of thousands of commercial radio stations to the EU Institutions. AER promotes the development of commercially-funded radio broadcasting in Europe, by ensuring a fair and sustainable economic framework for radio so it can continue to thrive. The AER welcomes the opportunity to share its views on the European Commission’s White…

 | Company/business

OVHcloud, the leading European cloud provider, welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Commissions White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. Digital infrastructure is a critical component to guarantee economic security and sustained competitiveness. In the coming years, Europes digital infrastructure will need meet a growing demand for complex and disruptive technologies. While the cloud and…

 | Business association

Dear Sirs, Please find enclosed Cuatrecasas’ feedback on the White Paper. Kind regards Joana Mota Agostinho Partner | Digital Business, Privacy & Cybersecurity

 | Academic/research Institution

The French national programme agencies Digital: Algorithms, Software, and Usages (spearheaded by Inria) and Components, Systems, and Digital Infrastructures (spearheaded by CEA) are grateful for the opportunity to present their joint response to the European Commissions consultation How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. This response is endorsed by: France Universités The Conference of the Directors of French Engineering Schools…

 | Business association

Please find attached CISPE’s contribution to the consultation.

 | Academic/research Institution

In allegato contributo Cybrec della Fondazione Magna Grecia (FMG) Cybrec CYBREC – Cybercrime Research Center ( ) è il laboratorio su cybercrime e cybersecurity realizzato e promosso dalla Fondazione Magna Grecia, nellambito delle sue attività di studio e ricerca, in partnership con personalità, istituzioni, esperti e aziende del settore. Il Laboratorio…

 | Academic/research Institution

A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Műszaki és Informatikai Karán több mérnöki diszciplína mellett mérnök informatikus képzés is folyik BSc, MSc, magyar és nemzetközi szinten. A programunk egyik fő eleme a Kibervédelem, amelyben nemzetközi sikereket is elértünk. Üdvözöljük a Bizottság Hogyan lehet megfelelni Európa digitális infrastrukturális igényeinek? című fehér könyvét. Tudomásul vesszük a Bizottság azon szándékát, hogy a vonatkozó szabályozási keret…

 | Company/business

Twilio welcomes the opportunity to provide its feedback on the European Commissions White Paper entitled How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. We consider ourselves a key contributor to the EUs Single Market, providing electronic communications and digital services in nearly all EU Member States. As a B2B cloud communications company (CPaaS), Twilio, through Twilio Ireland Ltd, empowers businesses, governments, and nonprofits…

 | Public authority

see attached documents, which contains: accompanying letter to Mr. Breton NL appreciation Overview of the questions of parliament and answers from the Minister of Economic Affairs In addition we refer to the report ‘Staat van de Digitale Infrastructuur’ which is an integral part of our submission:

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Bucharest, 28th of June 2024 OBJECT: The Romanian Association of Mobile Operators fully supports the GSMA Response to the EU white paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? Dear Madam, Dear Sir, The Romanian Association of Mobile Operators (RAMO) would like to thank you for the opportunity offered by the Commission to express its opinion regarding the white paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? The members…

 | Public authority

Stadsledningskontoret i Göteborgs kommun yttrar sig över Vitbok om EU:s behov av digital infrastruktur, enligt bilaga.

 | Business association

Technology Irelands submission to the consultation on the white paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? The connectivity sector is playing a crucial part as the enabler of the overall digitalisation of European businesses and society. At the moment, we are witnessing a transformation of the sector via new technologies like 5G, virtualisation and others. That is why it is particularly important that Ireland and Europe are at…

 | Public authority

The Swedish Civil Contingencies welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commissions White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? In this instance, our feedback is limited to the section covering EUCCS (section 2.4.2.). Please find our feedback in attached file.

 | Business association

The Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation (AIOTI) welcomes the European Commissions (EC) intention to address the technological challenges and future trends of Europe’s connectivity infrastructure, therefore, we would like to recommend the following general actions: Focus on solving the computing continuum challenges, together with optimized energy consumption and resource utilization challenges. Identify the benefits of distributing…

 | Business association

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Italy (CCCIT) is a non-profit association, officially established in Italy in 2008 in accordance with the laws of the Italian Republic and authorized by the Ministry of Economic Development, with the support of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. We read carefully the white paper and we welcome the European Commission’s commitment to harness Europe’s digital infrastructure needs, which…

 | Academic/research Institution

Dear Sir and/or Madam, attached you may find the position of the Centrum für Europäische Politik (cep) on the White Paper – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? Kind regards, Philipp Eckhardt, Head of Department on Information Technologies at cep

 | Company/business

SpaceX is pleased to provide the attached response to the white paper, “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”.

 | Business association

eco Association of the Internet Industry welcomes the Commission’s invitation to comment on the Whitepaper. eco recognises the challenge but also the importance of expanding high-performance digital infrastructures. eco therefore welcomes the Commissions initiative to explore approaches and political measures to stimulate investment at European level including additional action to ensure that the EU can create the necessary framework…

 | Business association

Video Games Europe thanks the Commission for the opportunity to respond to this consultation. Our submission can be found in the attached document. Respectfully, Video Games Europe

 | Company/business

France-IX est le premier fournisseur de services d’échange de trafic Internet en France, proposant des services d’interconnexion publics et privés par l’intermédiaire de ses points d’échange neutres (transporteurs et centres de données) à Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille et Toulouse ainsi que des services dhébergement déquipements, et une place de marché. Le groupe interconnecte plusieurs centaines dacteurs (opérateurs de télécommunications, FAI…

 | Public authority

The Czech Ministry of the Interior and its service organization, the National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies (NAKIT), welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s White Paper on mastering Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. Feedback as such is attached.

 | Business association

Der BREKO Bundesverband Breitbandkommunikation e.V. bedankt sich für die Möglichkeit der Stellungnahme zum Weißbuch How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?, welche die Europäische Kommission am 21. Februar 2024 vorgelegt hat. Als führender deutscher Glasfaserverband setzt sich der Bundesverband Breitbandkommunikation e.V. (BREKO) erfolgreich für den Wettbewerb im deutschen Telekommunikationsmarkt ein. Seine Mitglieder setzen klar…

 | Company/business

Vodafone calls for a Connectivity Union to secure Europe’s digital ambitions.
The EU faces a unique set of challenges for its digital ambitions: i) a large investment gap jeopardising the EU’s digital transformation, ii) the lack of a Single Market and the associated scale benefits – due to the fragmentation of rules between Member States and within different parts of the digital ecosystem, iii) an innovation by permission approach which…

 | Other

The European Broadcasting Union is the worlds leading alliance of public service media. The EBU has 115 member organizations in 56 countries. Public service media are entrusted with the performance of the public service mission to reach all people present on the territory of their Member State with high quality content to inform, educate and entertain. To fulfil their mission, EBU Members rely on both broadcast and broadband infrastructures…

 | Company/business

CanaLink welcomes the publication of the white paper ‘How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?’ by the European Commission, which demonstrates this institution’s interest in a key issue for the economic, social, political, and cultural development of Europe. In this white paper, the EC clearly identifies this sector as fundamental for achieving a healthier and safer society, a more robust economy across all sectors, European unity…

 | Business association

Krajowa Izba Komunikacji Ethernetowej to izba gospodarcza zrzeszająca prawie 200 polskich przedsiębiorców telekomunikacyjnych MŚP ( Pkt 2.2: Nie należy pomijać wsparcia dla MŚP w udziale w nowych usługach. To MŚP są najbardziej innowacyjne. W razie rozszerzenia regulacji na usługi chmurowe itp. postulujemy traktowanie produktów na tym rynku jak produktów hurtowych z regulacją nakazującą dostęp do tych usług innym uczestnikom rynku…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir sind besorgt darüber, dass das Weißbuch Maßnahmen ermöglichen könnte, die den Wettbewerb im Telekommunikationssektor einschränken (z. B. durch die Aufhebung von Verpflichtungen gegenüber ehemaligen Monopolisten). Der Vorschlag der Kommission, das Europäische Elektronische Kommunikationsgesetz (EECC) zu überarbeiten, spiegelt die aktuellen Forderungen der ehemaligen Monopolisten nach Marktliberalisierung und…

| Company/business

As a telecommunications company with more than 9.5 million fixed-term contracts, freenet AG is the last major network-independent mobile telecommunications provider in Germany. In addition, we operate large parts of the German DVB-T2 network, regional and national DAB+ networks and are a provider of OTT services, including one of the leading IPTV platforms in Germany. In principle, it is to be welcomed that the European Commission is…

 | Business association

DigitalES, as the main Spanish association for digitalisation, representing the core companies of telecommunication and technological sector, welcomes the European Commissions White Paper (WP) How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? and the opportunity to provide comments. Please find our feedback attached.

 | Company/business

Volvo Cars Corporation believes connected safety (via the exchange of information with other vehicles and road users) will improve overall safety on the roads. Our connected safety technology was introduced in 2016, uses Volvo Cars cloud, based on real-time data. It allows all Volvo cars to communicate with each other and alert drivers of nearby slippery road conditions and hazards. This has enabled functions like Slippery road alert and…

 | Company/business

TOP-IX welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on this consultation. The EU electronic communications framework can be seen as a positive story overall: Europe’s connectivity achievements has been remarkable in terms of coverage, adoption by users, affordability and inclusion. Europe performs better than United States in FTTH and 5G stand-alone deployment, while some European Member States are amongst the most advanced countries in the…

 | Company/business

Vantage Towers would like to thank the European Commission for the opportunity to comment on the White Paper: How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. As a major investor in 5G and soon 6G networks in Europe, Vantage Towers is actively contributing to Europes infrastructure needs. The attached document comments on several topics of the White Paper and we hope that these will serve as a constructive contribution in this endeavour…

 | Business association

La Confédération des petites et moyennes entreprises (CPME) salue la publication par la Commission européenne de son livre blanc sur les infrastructures numériques et souhaite lui faire part d’un certain nombre de considérations attrayant aux TPE/PME françaises. Vous en trouverez le détail dans le document joint. Vous remerciant pour leur prise en compte, Bien sincèrement

 | Public authority

Ver archivo adjunto Pilar 1: Creación de la Red 3C (Connected Collaborative Computing) Apoyamos la iniciativa de la creación de una red colaborativa de innovación y las propuestas para la puesta a su disposición de las herramientas y financiación adecuadas para el desarrollo de proyectos multidisciplinares, dirigidos a asegurar el correcto progreso de sector Telco y la soberanía digital europea. Pilar 2: Consolidando el Mercado Único Digital…

 | Company/business

KPN, as a leading Dutch telecommunications provider in the Netherlands, welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation on mastering Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. We are committed to supporting the European Union’s vision of a robust, resilient, and future-proof digital infrastructure. Our response highlights key areas that we believe are critical to achieving this goal.

 | Public authority

Ver archivo adjunto. Pilar 1: Creación de la Red 3C (Connected Collaborative Computing) Apoyamos la iniciativa de la creación de una red colaborativa de innovación y las propuestas para la puesta a su disposición de las herramientas y financiación adecuadas para el desarrollo de proyectos multidisciplinares, dirigidos a asegurar el correcto progreso de sector Telco y la soberanía digital europea. Pilar 2: Consolidando el Mercado Único Digital…

 | Public authority

Our feedback primarily focuses on EUCCS (section 2.4.2). EUCCS is an excellent opportunity to attract investment, foster innovation, increase security and create an enabler to achieve a true Digital Single Market at least for the mission critical communications for public safety and security, civil protection and disaster relief (PPDR). Current situation before EUCCS: The EU countries rely on outdated radiocommunication systems to support the…

| Public authority

A Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság álláspontja a csatolt dokumentumban olvasható. / The position of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority can be read in Hungarian in the attached file.

 | Business association

The FTTH Council Europe appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Commission’s White Paper “How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs”. Please find our feedback attached.

 | Company/business

Midterm Evaluation of the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) Relevance of the Programmes Objectives The Digital Europe Programme addresses critical needs, including high-performance computing, AI, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, key digital technologies, and semiconductors. These objectives are vital for maintaining European business competitiveness and ensuring a modern public administration . Response to Technological Trends The…

 | Business association

Der Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e. V. (VKU) vertritt über 1.550 Stadtwerke und kommunalwirtschaftliche Unternehmen in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser/Abwasser, Abfallwirtschaft sowie Telekommunikation. Mit über 300.000 Beschäftigten wurden 2021 Umsatzerlöse von 141 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet und mehr als 17 Milliarden Euro investiert. Immer mehr Mitgliedsunternehmen engagieren sich im Breitbandausbau: 206 Unternehmen investieren pro Jahr…

 | Trade union

Dear Sir/Medam, Thank you for the oppertunity to respond to the Whitepaper ‘How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure’ In the attatchment we gave our review on the whitepaper en hope it is of use for making the right choices for the Digital decade goals 2030 and beyond. Regard, Andrew van der Haar Fiber Carrier Association

 | Other

Buenas tardes: Adjunto remitimos el informe de la Cámara de Comercio de España con motivo del trámite de consulta pública Libro Blanco “¿Cómo abordar con éxito las necesidades de infraestructura digital de Europa?” Rogamos nos confirmen la recepción del mismo y quedamos a su disposición para cualquier aclaración al respecto. Reciban un cordial saludo,

 | Other

Der Deutsche Landkreistag bedankt sich für die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der Konsultation und übermittelt anliegende Stellungnahme.

 | Public authority

Estonian State Infocommunication Foundation supports development of EUCCS as it gives political and coordinative support from EU side towards Member States (MS). It also supports MS to fulfil minimum criterias of quality and security requirements for 3GPP compilant national mission critical broadband networks through EU legislation. It is critical to develop governance model of EUCCS as early stage as possible to achieve a target to establish…

 | Business association

Please find attached a document with our contributions.

 | Company/business

We Iliad are enthusiastic about what European telecom operators, regulatory bodies, European Commission, have achieved over the last 20 years. European FttH networks are twice as developed as in the US (p.2 of the attached contribution). The price of telecoms compared to average per capita income is half as high in Europe as in the Americas or Asia Pacific (p.3). Europe has almost no geographic or economic digital divide. EU operators have…

 | Company/business

Telefónica welcomes the European Commissions White Paper (WP) How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? and the opportunity to provide feedback. The WP recognizes the challenges the telecom sector is facing in Europe and rightly considers broadening the objectives of the regulatory framework beyond end-user protection and promotion of competition by considering industrial competitiveness, economic security, and sustainability…

 | Business association

Bitkom highly welcomes the EU Commission’s intention to prepare a review of the current framework to foster competitiveness, competition and investment in the European telecommunications market. An EU-wide harmonised market improves the conditions for investment and expansion in the telecommunications sector. This will strengthen the competitiveness of European companies, which depend on the digital infrastructure in all areas. Bitkom…

 | Business association

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s input to the White paper includes comments on – the trends and challenges within the digital infrastructure sector, – the market discription in the White Paper and what it falls short in. Based on the White Paper, Swedish Enterprise also gives six proposals for action, summarized below; 1. Connectivity goals The goals of the Digital Decade Policy Programme should be revised and made more ambitious…

 | Company/business

EWE TEL appreciates the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s White Paper, since it addresses the future of the telecommunications sector in the EU and its prospective regulation. While we support some of the Commissions findings such as the need to prevent strategic behaviour of the operator with significant market power (SMP) with regards to the copper switch-off process through the NRAs, we are also of the opinion that the…

 | Company/business

The White Paper indicates that the European Commision (EC) plans a huge regulatory expansion of legacy telecom law to a loosely defined, large array of private network operators and ‘digital services’. It would significantly alter the Internet architecture and impose additional costs and regulations (overregulation) on the ecosystem. The impact would be substantial, as cloud and private networks are utilised by a wide array of sectors…

 | EU citizen

Regarding some network infrastructure being publicly funded or supported, I would like to express some caveats that it might be a problem to distribute it to private companies. Further consideration should be given to whether governments should retain ownership of the resulting infrastructure being built or maintained with these funds, rather than giving it away for free to private companies; which could distort the market by increasing…

 | Other

El Libro Blanco How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? presenta los desafíos de la Unión Europea (UE) en los campos de innovación tecnológica, volumen de inversiones, espectro radioeléctrico, fortaleza industrial, ciberseguridad, etc. para el despliegue de infraestructuras digitales seguras destinadas a satisfacer las necesidades futuras de conectividad de banda ancha inalámbrica de alta velocidad. El documento que se adjunta como…

 | Other

I. Que, en fecha 21 de febrero de 2024, se publicó por la Comisión Europea el texto del Libro Blanco ¿Cómo gestionar las necesidades de infraestructura digital de Europa? (LIBRO BLANCO) dándose apertura el mismo día a la Consulta Pública sobre el citado instrumento preparatorio para que todas las partes interesadas, entre otras, los Estados miembros, la sociedad civil, la industria y el mundo académico, pudieran contribuir a las futuras…

 | Other

CSC’s full position paper to the EC White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?’ is attached. Brief summary of the position paper: The White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?’ emphasises the need to enhance Europe’s digital network infrastructure to bolster competitiveness and security, but it could better address the link between competitiveness and a functional research and innovation system…

 | Business association

Dear Madam/Sirs, attached please find a response from GSA, Mr. Rauno Ruismäki on behalf of GSA

 | Business association

Established in 1997, EuroISPA is the world’s largest association of Internet Services Providers Associations, representing over 3,300 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across the EU and EFTA countries. EuroISPA is recognised as the voice of the EU ISP industry, reflecting the views of ISPs of all sizes from across its member base. Summary of our consultation: – EuroISPA welcomes the fact that the Commission highlights the critical importance…

 | Business association

FEDIL would like to thank the European Commission for the initiative. FEDIL members appreciate the opportunity to express their perspectives on the White Paper. FEDIL, the Voice of the Luxembourg’s Industry, is a multisectoral business federation, founded in 1918, giving a voice to industrialists and entrepreneurs and fostering economic activity in Luxembourg. Representing more than 700 members, FEDIL is today a driving force in the Luxembourg…

 | Business association

Comments included in file attached

 | Business association

ITI strongly supports the European Commission’s ambitious connectivity goals, which are key enablers for a digital society and economy. The Commission aims to ensure that every European household has high-speed internet coverage by 2025 and gigabit connectivity by 2030, including in rural and economically deprived areas. ITI’s response to the European Commission’s White Paper on Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs provides detailed…

 | Business association

We have read the white paper with interest. In the attached document we would like to emphasise some areas that in our opinion need more attention. TCCA, as the most influential global association that deals with critical communications, believes that in this white paper it is necessary to pay more attention to critical communications and critical communications users’ needs related to digital infrastructure. This especially applies to public…

 | Business association

On the behalf of Ms Małgorzata Zakrzewska, please find attached the position paper of the Telecommunications and Digitisation Council in the Polish Confederation Lewiatan.

 | Company/business

Bonjour, Veuillez trouver ci-joint la contribution de POST Luxembourg à la consultation publique sous référence. Meilleures salutations, Joël Weiler

 | Public authority

Czechia welcomes possibility to react to the Commission’s White Paper on future of European digital connectivity. Our contribution to the public consultation might be found here attached.

 | Business association

On the behalf of Ms Jolanta Jaworska, The President of the Polish Digital Technology Employers Lewiatan, please find attached our possition paper on the White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?”

 | Public authority

Belgium welcomes the opportunity to comment on the White Paper with a view to having an open debate on the future of the digital ecosystem in Europe. We consider this initiative as a thought-provoking vision of the digital and telecom ecosystem which could be useful for the assessment of the suitability of the current legislative framework for electronic communications networks and services in view of the forthcoming review of the Code…

 | Public authority

Emergency services across Europe are transitioning from dedicated narrowband networks to commercial broadband networks in order to reap the benefits of increased data allowance. However, this transition necessitates sufficient radio spectrum for PPDR-usage (Public Protection and Disaster Relief), priority/pre-emption for emergency services and added resilience/hardening of commercial networks. These needs must be included in EU’s digital…

 | Company/business

MASORANGE welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) consultation on the White Paper. The EC has made an adequate diagnosis of the main trends and challenges in the sector, but it is crucial that this is translated into concrete measures and that this is done as a matter of urgency. Transforming the sector is not an option, it is a necessity. The competitiveness and technological leadership of the European Union are at stake: rapid technological…

 | Company/business

Please find enclosed Nuuday’s response to the consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper: How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? Best regards Rasmus Raabjerg Nielsen

 | EU citizen

Pripomienky ku bielej knihe Ako zvládnuť potreby digitálnej infraštruktúry v Európe Vítame tento návrh bielej knihy. Kľúčovým faktorom by malo byť, či sa podarí EÚ naplniť ciele Digitálnej dekády? K naplneniu týchto cieľov je nutné vyťažiť čo najviac z podnetov v rámci diskusie k tejto bielej knihe, získať pre realizáciu týchto cieľov čo najširší spoločenský konsenzus. Bezpečnosť dôveryhodných dodávateľov je nutné riešiť cez technické…

 | Company/business

Please find attached comments on White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”, submitted by Retelit Group. Kind regards.

 | Business association

Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji w odpowiedzi na konsultacje dokumentu – White paper: How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? COM(2024) 81 final (dalej Biała Księga) prowadzone przez Komisję Europejską przedstawia załączone stanowisko.

 | Business association

The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT), in connection with the consultation conducted by the European Commission of the document – White paper: “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? COM(2024) 81 final (hereinafter “White Paper”), presents attached position.

 | Other

Please find attached comments on White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”, submitted by Elvis Babacic and Ana Vukcevic, experts on spectrum policy matters with the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services and designated representatives of Montenegro in the capacity of observers to RSPG.

 | Business association

Wir als ZVEI Verband der Elektro- und Digitalindustrie begrüßen die Gelegenheit, zu dem am 21. Februar 2024 veröffentlichten Weißbuch der Europäischen Kommission How to master Europe´s Infrastructure Needs Stellung zu nehmen, das die Agenda für gesetzgeberische Reformen im Telekommunikationssektor vorgibt. Der ZVEI vertritt unter anderen die Hersteller der Gigabitnetz-Komponenten, wie Glasfaser- und Koaxialverstärker, Filter, Verteiler und…

 | Company/business

Telenor welcomes the European Commissions White Paper on mastering Europes digital infrastructure needs. In the position paper we summarize Telenors views regarding the problem statement laid out in the White Paper and the necessary changes to the industrial and regulatory policy framework applied to the telecom sector. Our position follows the structure of the White Paper. We strongly agree with the White Papers recognition that a world-class…

 | Trade union

Broadcast Networks Europe (BNE) welcomes the opportunity to submit a consultation response and share its views on the White Paper – How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? BNE recognises the great work done by European Commission on the White Paper to prepare next steps for digital infrastructure in Europe. In our contribution to the debate, BNE shares its views on the need to recognise Digital Terrestrial Television networks as…

 | Public authority

El Gobierno de Canarias considera que la preparación de la UE frente a los múltiples desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos en este ámbito resulta estratégica, especialmente para la región ultraperiférica de Canarias (art.349 TFUE), en tanto territorio fragmentado y vulnerable alejado del continente europeo. Compartimos la premisa del Libro Blanco de que sigue siendo necesaria la intervención previa para completar el mercado único digital, ya que…

 | Other

The Swedish Local Fibre Alliance finds it positive that the Commission’s white paper aims to promote the expansion and development of digital infrastructure. There is a need for robust and stable digital infrastructure, which is equally important in rural areas as in urban areas. People without high-quality connectivity risk digital exclusion and cannot access the public services they are entitled to. Digital solutions can compensate for…

 | Public authority

Das Europabüro der Metropolregion FrankfurtRheinMain (FRM) begrüßt die Veröffentlichung des Weißbuchs. Die zugrunde liegende Aussage, dass die EU für ihre Wettbewerbs- und Zukunftsfähigkeit eine Vorreiterrolle im Bereich Digitalisierung einnehmen muss, stimmen wir zu. Glasfaserleitungen und der Mobilfunkstandard 5G respektive nachfolgende Mobilfunkgenerationen sind die Basis für jegliche Digitalisierungsvorhaben, weshalb ein beschleunigter und…

 | Business association

EFCA welcomes the White Paper COM(2024) 81 final on Europes digital infrastructure needs. We have known for years that the EU was lagging behind in terms of capacity, innovation, security and investment in digital infrastructure. The problem is part of the wider problem of EU autonomy, to which EFCA frequently refers. Our specific comments follow. 1) In order to remain competitive on the one hand and to be able to introduce promising new…

 | Company/business

Les principaux éléments de la position de TDF sont présentés ci-dessous. La position détaillée est disponible dans le document joint. Concernant le bilan des défis à relever TDF rejoint la CE sur lexistence dun risque de déclassement de lEurope, à moyen terme, en lien avec des retards en matière numérique. TDF partage également la position de la CE selon laquelle ce risque de déclassement est le résultat dun retard dinvestissement, qui doit…

 | Other

Dear Sir or Madam, on behalf of the VAT – Association of Alternative Telecom Network Operators in Austria, a unique association of fixed and mobile network operators and infrastructure companies, we thank you for the opportunity to comment on the EU Commissions White Paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs.” Please find our submission attached.

 | Public authority

The Conference of Presidents of the EU Outermost Regions welcomes the debate opened by the White Paper on digital infrastructures and makes its written contribution in this context. Please find attached our observations and joint positions given the specific situation of the Outermost Regions (OR). Best regards.

 | EU citizen

As an independent consultant working on many EC positions papers I would like to address serious issue embedded within this Commission’s White paper. Since the first introduction of 5G networks its very obvious there is very intense lobbying rent seeking pressure (eg. fair share, deregulation, subsidy policies) on the Commission, mainly for significant financial support to invest into networks, introduce certain new technologies (based on…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The existing digital infrastructure in Europe has fostered a vibrant and competitive environment for innovation and startups and the current regulatory framework supports a diverse range of digital innovations. Furthermore, the present system has proven effective in creating a level playing field where startups can compete with established players without facing undue barriers. Proposals for substantial policy changes, and especially a…

 | Business association

DIGITALEUROPE welcomes the Commissions strategic evaluation of the EUs connectivity landscape. Our vision aims to elevate Europe to a Digital Powerhouse, setting ambitious targets for universal gigabit internet and 5G coverage by 2030, necessitating decisive policy actions. Europe has long grappled with connectivity challenges compared to global peers. In our 2022 Mind the Gap report, we identified inadequate returns on private investment and…

 | Business association

Dear all, please find attached as a pdf document the comments from EUTC on the white paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”? Best regards, Dr. Jürgen Tusch CTO European Utilities Telecom Council AISBL Avenue de la Toison dOr 22 B1 1050 Brussels, Belgium

 | Business association

Please see attached the feedback of The Independent ICT Industry Committee, Czech Republic. The Committee brings together companies and organizations operating in the information and communication technology sector that are interested in maintaining and developing a competitive environment and creating conditions for the development of the digital industry in the Czech Republic.

 | Business association

VAUNET – Verband Privater Medien e. V. appreciates the opportunity to comment on the EU Commission’s White Paper and respectfully requests that the attached considerations be taken into account in the further consultation process. VAUNET is the German umbrella organization of private media providers. It represents over 160 companies that provide private journalistic and editorial radio, television and streaming services and distribute them via…

 | Other

Europe has been implementing a series of regulatory measures on Tech companies for several years now, raising the question of what the real impact will be on the tech industry itself and how it will improve the tech ecosystem in Europe, or whether it will just create new regulatory challenges for the digital economy. This notion leads to deep scepticism towards companies based in markets outside the EU, especially as the implementation of the…

 | Company/business

United Internet welcomes the possibility to comment on the White Paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs.” Please find our submission attached.

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Please find our feedback attached.

 | Academic/research Institution

I-Com agrees with the Commission’s initiative, since an understanding of technological and market trends is a necessary precondition for assessing the appropriateness of any proposals for the adoption of legislation or moral suasion. Nevertheless, in several passages, the document seems to fail in clearly focusing on the link between the critical issues identified and the solutions proposed within the outlined scenarios.The first pillar aims…

 | Business association

The Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) highly welcomes the European Commissions White Paper on How to master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. We strongly believe that, together with recent EU Council Conclusions on the future of the EUs digital policy and of cybersecurity, the Paper sets the basis for future initiatives to enhance resilience, innovation and competitiveness in the European economy. Private security…

 | Other

The Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the White Paper. Please find our response attached.

| Business association

See ANGA’s complete response in the attached pdf file. On 21st February the European Commission presented a working paper entitled How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. The paper aims to form the basis for the next European Commission’s legislative agenda for the telecoms sector and to identify the key policy reforms needed to improve the investment climate and structural market conditions in order to achieve the EU’s digital…

 | Public authority

Please find attached the feedback of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs on the White Paper titled “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”.

 | Business association

TechSverige’s response on the EU Commissions consultation on white paper: How to master Europe´s digital infrastructure needs? TechSverige is a member organization for companies within the tech sector, that wish to join the largest industry network in Sweden in order to promote and further develop the tech market and conditions for tech enterprises. We represent about 1 400 member companies that between them have nearly 100 000 employees. EU…

 | Company/business

Overall, we support the position/input from DigitalEurope to this consultation and do not see the need to duplicate the content of their document. (Siemens is member of DigitalEurope and occupies a board seat in this association) Beyond this association position, we want to emphasize 2 additional aspects that Siemens AG sees as highly important to take care of: (1) Radio Spectrum: Siemens welcomes the engagement for a more harmonized spectrum…

 | Public authority

V priponki pošiljamo odziv na Belo knjigo “Kako obvladati potrebe po digitalni infrastrukturi v Evropi”. Please find attached the feedback of Ministry of Digital Transformation of Slovenia on the White Paper titled “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs” (in Slovenian language).

 | Business association

In allegato la risposta di Confindustria Radio Televisioni alla consultazione UE White Paper – ‘How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?’ Confindustria Radio Televisioni (CRTV) è lassociazione di categoria dei media televisivi e radiofonici italiani, costituita nel giugno 2013. Gli Associati ricomprendono i maggiori operatori radiotelevisivi nazionali: EI Towers, Elemedia (GEDI), GMH, La7, Mediaset, Persidera, Prima Tv, Qvc Italia…

 | Business association

The Telecom Infra Project, Inc. (TIP) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the European Commissions white paper, How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. TIP is a global community of organisations working to accelerate the deployment of open, disaggregated, and standards-based network solutions by promoting, developing, and testing products and solutions. TIP provides an industry-neutral platform for stakeholders supporting…

 | Company/business

We send our feedback on the Commission’s White Paper How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. (see file) 1. Need for scale. We invite policymakers to strike the right balance between the need for market consolidation and the need to ensure that European consumers are not worse off. Pursuing full connectivity must always be in line with the principles of effective competition and consumer welfare. Any new policy or legislative…

 | Other

We are following the consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?” and believe that the attached publications could be of interest to the debate.

 | Company/business

Diagnosis and basis of the Scenarios The WP completely overlooked the Business market. Only a deep diagnosis of the entire EU telecoms market (both consumer & business) would bring coherent solutions. The WP (i) doesnt include Business customers in its diagnosis (Colt has shown the differences with consumer needs), and (ii) relies on partial sources funded by incumbents (ETNO Report for the investment analysis; incumbents study for the…

 | EU citizen

Ik heb een aantal principiële kanttekeningen bij deze White paper van de EU Commissie. Die betreffen met name dat de commissie er veel te gemakkelijk van uitgaat dat het goed is dat de digitale wereld groeit, zonder veel oog voor de negatieve gevolgen daarvan voor duurzaamheid van de samenleving en zonder daadwerkelijk oog voor de mening van de EU–burgers daarover. In de eerste alinea van haar inleiding vermeldt de commissie weliswaar, dat…

 | Business association

The Sports Rights Owners Coalition (SROC) is a forum of over 50 international and national sports bodies and competition organisers, with a particular focus on intellectual property rights (IPR) issues. SROC members contribute substantially to the wealth and wellbeing of countries. They are key providers of long-term jobs, and some of the biggest taxpayers. SROC members believe that governments and international organisations should fully…

 | Other

Dear European Comission, The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA ) respectfully submits the feedback in response to to the consultation on the White Paper on how to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs.

 | Business association

You will find the Creativity Works! submission to the consultation attached.

 | Business association

As Digital Poland Association representing the largest companies in the modern technology industry in Poland, we appreciate the opportunity to provide input on the Commission’s White Paper: How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?. Please find our position attached.

 | Business association

Wir erlauben uns, anbei einige punktuelle Überlegungen zu einzelnen im Weißbuch COM(2024) 81 final angesprochenen Themen zu übermitteln: – Aus unserer Sicht ist wesentlich, dass alle Teilbereiche des elektronischen Kommunikationssektors unter Einhaltung des Grundsatzes der Subsidiarität und der Verhältnismäßigkeit auf tatsächlichen Anpassungsbedarf hin untersucht werden. Ein pauschaler Ruf nach Europäisierung kann ungeachtet der…

 | Company/business

Akamai Technologies welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the European Commissions White Paper on How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? Akamai supports the European Unions (EU) ambitious 2030 digital decade targets which will require significant support from many actors in the internet ecosystem. Akamai is committed to contribute through its existing partnerships in the EU. For the past 25 years, Akamai has been devoted…

 | Company/business

Netalis operates as a provider of digital solutions for professionals, businesses, and communities from its base in Besançon. The company delivers nationwide services encompassing multi-technology telecom connectivity (xDSL, activated fiber or dark fiber, terrestrial microwave links) and hosted services such as messaging, web hosting, VoIP / TrunkSIP fixed telephony, and remote backup. The European Commission published a white paper on the…

 | Business association

Euralarm is pleased to offer its thoughts on the White Paper published by the European Commission on February 21, 2024, titled “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure.” The White Paper discusses the need to adapt spectrum management to meet the demands of the Digital Decade, including the coordinated shutdown of 2G and 3G networks while ensuring the continued support of essential legacy services such as emergency and critical…

 | Business association

Dear Sir / Madam, Please find attached BSA | The Software Alliance’s response to the White Paper – How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs? Best regards, Thomas Boué

 | Business association

The European members of the GSMA welcome the European Commissions white paper, How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?, and appreciates the opportunity to participate in the consultation and provide feedback. The Commission white paper is an important first step towards resetting the regulatory framework for telecommunications and re-energising the European telco sector as an engine of competitiveness and prosperity. In the…

 | Business association

Please see the attached file for all comments. Some key points: The white paper provides a fairly good overview of the communication markets and their associated challenges at the EU level. FiCom supports simplification, harmonization, and fairness in regulation. This detailed, burdensome, and complex regulation targeting telecommunications companies should be reduced, clarified, and simplified, which would create a more equitable regulatory…

 | Company/business

Telecom Italia’s (TIM) response to public consultation TIM welcomes the opportunity to comment on the White Paper, which recognizes the challenges Europes telecoms sector has been facing in the last years and outlines possible ways forward to address these challenges. TIM believes there is an urgent need for the Commission to translate these ideas into concrete measures and legislative proposals. In particular, the most critical areas that…

 | Academic/research Institution

Please see the attached file for the submitted joint feedback from ten academic researchers affiliated with universities in the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Sweden, conducting research on digital infrastructures and communication.

 | Company/business

Samsung Electronics welcomes the European Commissions White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs? and the accompanying recommendations to accelerate and improve the rollout of cutting-edge digital infrastructure across Europe. Considering the recommendations put forward in the paper and other elements for Europe’s connectivity that Samsung Electronics believes need to be addressed in addition to the scenarios outlined in…

 | Business association

ASOTEM es una Asociación inscrita el 22 de mayo de 2015 en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones de España, Sección 1ª, nº607.771, que tiene como objetivo la representación, gestión y defensa de los derechos e intereses de sus miembros como operadores de telecomunicaciones o comunicaciones electrónicas, a los fines de perseguir objetivos comunes, entre ellos: 1) La participación en asuntos regulatorios y de competencia: Promover un marco…

 | Company/business

Islalink is a Spanish company that promotes, builds and operates submarine cables and associated infrastructures since 1999. Islalink owns systems connecting the Balearic Islands to mainland Spain (Balalink) and IONIAN, a new system connecting Italy and Greece. It is Islalink focus to develop new systems around Europe with a special focus on the Mediterranean. We are bringing to the attention of the EC that currently the CEF-2 calls were…

 | Public authority

Här kommer synpunkter från Västra Götalandsregionen, se bifogad fil.

 | Business association

With reference to the consultation regarding the white paper How to master Europes digital Infrastructure needs, the Netherlands China Business Council (NCBC) would like to provide its vision on the elements brought forward in this white paper. The NCBC welcomes the fact that the European Commission has agreed to strengthen a flourishing telecom industry. Fast and reliable digital connectivity is a critical building block under the twin…

 | Company/business

Dans le cadre de nos activités, nous accompagnons différents acteurs des télécommunications sur des enjeux de communication. Notre expérience du secteur nous conduit à formuler plusieurs observations dans le cadre de la consultation en cours et du livre blanc Comment maîtriser les besoins de l’Europe en matière d’infrastructures numériques ?. Voir la pièce-jointe pour l’avis complet.

 | Company/business

4iG Group responses to the European Commissions White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs? 4iG Group fully agrees with the White Paper that the digital infrastructure of the European Union (EU) has to be up to the edge in terms of quality, innovative services and wide availability to strengthen Europes global competitiveness and empower the entire European economy. 4iG appreciates the European Commission’s objective in the…

 | Business association

Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications’ (ITL) key messages about the European Commissions White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? are following: 1) The European Commissions plans are unclear at times and contain proposals that contradict each other. We propose to include clearer suggestions in the White Paper (e.g., regarding state aid or other measures) that would help to achieve the…

 | Business association

The Association of Community Internet Services (ASIC) established in 2007, is the first French organization to bring together stakeholders in the collaborative web sector. As the main contact for public authorities, the association is a space of reflection and exchanges on topics related to the regulation of digital activities. As such, it acts as a regular meeting place between representatives of civil society, Internet users, digital service…

 | Company/business

Please find attach the observations of SFR on the White Paper.

 | Company/business

In the attached document the whole whitepaper is commented but below we have listed the most important topics: Importance of policy and legislation to establish the EUCCS: – The role of EU is critical to coordinate and support Member States to fulfil minimum criteria to maintain performance and interoperability of the EUCCS. – The governance model for EUCCS should be developed first for executing needed actions and to maintain operative…

 | Other

The internet lab, part of the information labs project, organised two online roundtables to foster discussion around the European Commissions White Paper on How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. Our events successfully brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the Council, the regulatory perspective, telecoms and Internet industry, as well as consumers and civil society. We would like to…

 | Business association

The European Data Centre Association (EUDCA) welcomes that DG CNECT developed a strategic vision for Europes digital infrastructure. Key to our modern digital economy, the safety and resilience of our infrastructure is essential to our daily life. Therefore, it is important to include a vision for digital infrastructure in any strategic digital vision for the EU. Representing the colocation data centre industry in Europe, which is the backbone…

 | Public authority

Das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie begrüßt den ambitionierten Entwurf eines Weißbuchs zur Verbesserung und Modernisierung des Telekommunikationsmarktes in der EU. Für den europäischen Binnenmarkt ist eine optimale Versorgung mit digitaler Infrastruktur von immenser Bedeutung. Vorab wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Regulierung grundsätzlich auf das absolut notwendige Minimum zu begrenzen ist, da diese…

 | EU citizen

Fontos a kezdeményezés, mely a fehér könyvben bemutatásra kerül. Kétségtelenül rendkívül fontos a kiberbiztonsági követelmények nagyobb mértékű harmonizációjának elérése az Európai Unióban. De az egyes országok nemzetbiztonságát az adott ország illetékes hatóságainak kell védeniük és azt nem ruházhatják át más országokra. Ha egy tagállam kizárólag a származási ország alapján hoz intézkedéseket egyes csúcstechnológiai beszállítók korlátozására…

 | Trade union

Ang. Vitbok – Hur hanterar vi Europas behov av digital infrastruktur? Landsorganisationen i Sverige, LO vill ta tillfället i akt att framföra följande synpunkter. LO vill i detta yttrande tydliggöra att organisationen inte besitter kunskap i olika tekniska lösningar och konstruktioner kring den digitala infrastrukturen. LO har istället tagit sin utgångspunkt från de fackliga kärnvärden som vi anser ska främja ett gott och hållbart arbetsliv…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The EU electronic communications framework can be seen as a positive story overall: Europe’s connectivity achievements has been remarkable in terms of coverage as well as adoption by consumers and professional users, affordability and inclusion. Europe performs better than United States in FTTH and 5G stand-alone deployment, while some European Member States are amongst the most advanced countries in the world. The impact of ongoing…

 | Business association

Response from the APMS (Association of Mobile Network Operators), Czech Republic. On February 2024, the European Commission presented its White Paper: How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. The APMS appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the Commissions future proposals in this domain. The APMS is a Czech industry organization, which represents the vast majority of the private entities (MNOs) operating within the Czech…

 | Company/business

EOLO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commissions consultation on WHITE PAPER – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. Attached we provide EOLOs position focusing only on the issues deemed to be of particular importance to the company also in consideration to the experience of EOLO as the first Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) operator in Italy both in terms of clients and network coverage. In summary, EOLO…

 | Other

Copydan Verdens TV hilser det velkomment, at Europa-Kommissionen ønsker en detaljeret drøftelse af, hvordan Europas behov for digital infrastruktur skal håndteres. Copydan Verdens TV vil i den forbindelse gøre opmærksom på, at hvis der skal være fokus på at sikre infrastrukturernes sikkerhed og modstandsdygtighed, er det nødvendigt ikke alene at fokusere på den fysiske infra-struktur, men også at have øje for den rent digitale infrastruktur…

 | Company/business

Please find attached the feedback of SCA Baiculescu si Asociatii, on the White Paper titled “How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. While the goals presented in the document are commendable, the paper highlights unclear methods for achieving the proposed objectives and ensuring compliance with existing European treaties and directives. In this regard, our law firm has analyzed the document and identified potential issues and…

 | EU citizen

Comentarios de Javier Fernández-Samaniego al trámite de consulta pública del LIBRO BLANCO ¿Cómo gestionar las necesidades de infraestructura digital de Europa? 26 de junio de 2024. Mis sugerencias se centran en los siguientes puntos: a. Que no se de en el futuro carta de naturaleza a documentos como la Caja de Herramientas para la seguridad de las redes 5G que son meros documentos de soft-law elaborados en contextos temporales concretos y sin…

 | Company/business

Meta Submission on the European Commission White Paper – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? Submission on behalf of Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd Dear Sir/ Madam, We thank the Commission for the opportunity to submit our comments on the White Paper – How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? and would like to focus on a number of aspects in our contribution. Meta supports the EUs goals of improving connectivity and…

 | Company/business

We, Radulescu Musoi SPARL, hereby submit feedback on the European Commissions DNA Whitepaper, addressing key concerns. In our attached feedback, we challenge the classification of certain providers as high-risk based on their country of origin, arguing this lacks evidence and could lead to legal and economic issues. We emphasize the importance of a joint EU governance system for securing submarine cable infrastructures, suggesting a…

 | Company/business

Brief Summary DE-CIX welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the consultation on European Commissions White Paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs? The issue of so called fair share is not explicitly mentioned in the White Paper and the Commission does not call for regulatory intervention at first sight. However, the topic seems to emerge in various parts of the White Paper. DE-CIX is therefore concerned about the…

 | Company/business

Palo Alto Networks appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the European Commission’s White paper How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs. As the leading global provider of cybersecurity solutions, we understand the importance of fostering a competitive and secure digital environment. Palo Alto Networks was founded in 2005, and has since become the global cybersecurity leader protecting businesses, people, and governments…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The 6G-IA welcomes the EC WP and supports the definition of a long-term strategy to consolidate the EUs excellence in the communication domain, opening opportunities for massive connectivity of objects while addressing the risks of a changing landscape. The 6G-IA contribution to the EC WP consultation primarily addresses the so-called Pillar One related to investments in innovation, industry competitiveness, and sovereignty. In that context…

 | Academic/research Institution

European University Cyprus (EUC) is willing to express interest in the European Commission’s White Paper on How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs and is eager to engage in the consultation process to offer feedback on its substance. EUC is a renowned institution situated in Nicosia, Cyprus. Established in 1961, it stands as one of the largest private universities in the country, delivering a diverse array of undergraduate…

 | Company/business

The EU electronic communications framework can be seen as a positive story overall: Europe’s connectivity achievements has been remarkable in terms of coverage as well as adoption by consumers and professional users, affordability and inclusion. Europe performs better than United States in FTTH and 5G stand-alone deployment, while some European Member States are amongst the most advanced countries in the world. The impact of ongoing…

 | Other

Cybersecurity is now more crucial than ever. Achieving greater harmonization of cybersecurity requirements across the EU is certainly a challenge, and to this direction the adoption of security schemes based on technical criteria and certifications that reflect international state-of-the-art security standards is critically important. Regulatory requirements for cybersecurity should consider the needs of telecom operators and the shared…

 | Business association

The European Commission rightly places a political focus on digital infrastructure in the next legislative period. Digital infrastructure and the provided connectivity are crucial to making Germany fit for the future. Sufficient bandwidth, low latency and resilience of digital networks are key to enabling industry to leverage the potential of important future technologies. Investment conditions in the telecommunications sector must improve to…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

OpenInfra Europe is the European regional hub of the OpenInfra Foundation, a global non-profit organization fostering the development and usage of open source software solutions for providing infrastructure. With more than 110 000 members from 710 organizations in 182 countries, the OpenInfra Foundation is a key player in the open source space. It hosts the OpenStack project, which is used to power public clouds and private clouds alike, and…

 | Company/business

Nokia thanks the European Commission for providing us with the opportunity to share our vision, expert opinion and recommendations through this consultation. The main purpose of the White Paper is to: Strengthen the investment capabilities of European telecom operators for timely deployments of very-high-capacity networks. Reinforce Europes underlying technology base and capabilities, from chip design, to orchestrating a future-oriented…

 | Business association

Please find attached our comments

 | Company/business

Madame, Monsieur, Je vous prie de trouver en pièce jointe la contribution de l’IDATE (Institut du Digital, de l’Audiovisuel et des Télécommunications en Europe). Le document joint contient un version française et un version anglaise de notre contribution Bien cordialement, Jean-Luc Lemmens Président, IDATE

 | Company/business

Bouygues Telecom read with interest the European Commission’s White Paper entitled “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs”, whose objectives it shares. We have two main comments to make. Firstly, it is fundamental to support ex-ante regulations in Europe favourable to investment and to provide sector players with the long-term stability required to roll out their business plans. The FttH symmetrical regulatory framework…

 | Public authority

Kansaneläkelaitos (Kela) on Suomen eduskunnan alainen itsenäinen sosiaaliturvalaitos. Kela kiittää mahdollisuudesta osallistua julkiseen kuulemiseen koskien valkoista kirjaa Miten vastata Euroopan digi-infrastruktuuritarpeisiin? Kela yhtyy Suomen näkemykseen, että sähköisen viestinnän sääntely tulisi jatkossakin olla pääasiassa teknologianeutraalia. (Perusmuistio EU/467/2024-LVM-2) Kela toimii itsenäisenä julkisoikeudellisena laitoksena…

 | Academic/research Institution

GSA 4G-5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Forum represents a broad end-to-end 3GPP ecosystem with over 50 companies across infrastructure, software, chipset, module and customer premise equipment (CPE) industry segments. The GSA 4G-5G FWA forum welcomes the opportunity to participate in ECs consultation related to the publication of its How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? white paper. We are pleased to see that 5G fixed wireless…

 | Business association

Contribution from the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) to the consultation of the Commission’s white paper How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) are thankful for the opportunity to submit comments to the European Commission’s consultation on the white paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. As the largest business and employer organization in Denmark, DI…

 | Business association

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA Europe) welcomes the opportunity to participate in the European Commissions consultation on the white paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs. Please find our comments in the attached document.

 | Company/business

A1 Group appreciates the opportunity to provide input to the European Commission’s consultation. We support the Commission’s efforts and advocate for a swift, separate legislative proposal. This response encapsulates A1 Groups positions on key aspects of EU digital policy reform, underscoring our commitment to shaping a forward-looking regulatory framework that supports digital growth and innovation across Europe. REGULATORY REFORM: A1 Group…

 | Other

ETSI input to the Consultation on the white paper “How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?” ETSI welcomes the Commissions White Paper and believes it is indeed very timely to have a discussion on EU competitiveness in the telecom sector. ETSI very much agree on the problem statement and the fact that both technology development and the geopolitical context call for a thorough health check of EUs strategy, regulatory framework and…

 | Business association

FFTélécoms welcomes the opportunity to respond to the public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” (hereinafter the White Paper). We commend the White Paper’s commitment to addressing these challenges and ensuring European operators’ ability to invest significantly and sustainably in digital infrastructures, which are crucial for the future of European innovation and competitiveness. Please find…

 | Other

Please find the RSPG Opinion on ‘How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?’ in the attachement. The Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) is a high-level advisory group that assists the European Commission in the development of radio spectrum policy.

 | Business association

ETNO welcomes the European Commission (EC) white paper how to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? (hereafter the White Paper), which sets a clear vision for the future of connectivity in Europe. We particularly appreciate the efforts to capture the complex technological, commercial and political dynamics that affect Europes digital infrastructure ambitions and ultimately the European telecom industry and wider digital ecosystem. As…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, das Zentrum für Risiko- und Krisenmanagement, Wien, Österreich erlaubt sich eine Stellungnahme bzw. Beitrag zum gegenständlichen Weißbuch: HOW TO MASTER EUROPES DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS?, EU´s next – generation telecommunication law Digital Network Act (DNA) zu geben. Bitte siehe das attachment, welches anbei hochgeladen wurde. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Zentrum für Risiko- und Krisenmanagement

 | Academic/research Institution

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The University of Telecommunications and Post (UTP) is a leading Bulgarian higher education institution in the fields of telecommunications, computer sciences, and engineering. Founded more than 140 ago it remains faithful to its mission to educate and train engineers and professionals with competencies in the field of Information and communication technologies, computer science, cybersecurity, SMART leadership and…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

We, “Europeans for Safe Connections”, are very concerned with this paper. The introduction of the White Paper -How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? clearly shows many advantages that are expected from the digital developments. However, in a proper policy document the negative side of developments need to be addressed as well, to achieve the results wanted. Only security threats are called for. We dearly miss a view on the side…

 | Company/business

Portnet is Greek media focuses on shipping and the economy. Greece and China have a long historic foundation for economic cooperation, and there are also broad prospects to extend cooperation in trade and shipping industry. It is observed that during this white book draft there is a paragraph mention to limit or exclude specific Chinese suppliers of advanced technology based on the country of origin, in which it does not agree with the EU and…

 | Company/business

Orange welcomes the EC consultation on the White Paper. We share its diagnosis and call on EU policy makers to adopt urgently the concrete measures necessary to restore growth and competitiveness of the telecoms sector, and to meet the Digital Decade targets to the benefit of EU end-users and businesses. To achieve those goals, three additional streams are essential: – Review the EU merger and competition policy to enable scale and in-market…

 | Business association

Europacable welcomes Europes emphasis on enhancing the security and resilience of its telecommunication cable infrastructures, by recognizing the critical role of secured communication networks. Europacable member companies have the technology and the know how to contribute to enhancing the resilience and the sovereignty of Europes data infrastructures. This will be key to secure Europes strategic autonomy. Specifically, Europacable is…

 | Business association

Szanowni Państwo, w imieniu Federacji Przedsiębiorców Polskich (Numer REG 141756340102-33) przesyłam w załączeniu uwagi do Białej Księgi Jak sprostać potrzebom Europy w zakresie infrastruktury cyfrowej??(COM(2024) 81 final). Z poważaniem, Grzegorz Lang

 | Company/business

Que, en fecha 21 de febrero de 2024, se publicó por la Comisión Europea el texto del Libro Blanco ¿Cómo gestionar las necesidades de infraestructura digital de Europa? (LIBRO BLANCO) dándose apertura el mismo día a la Consulta Pública sobre el citado instrumento preparatorio para que todas las partes interesadas, entre otras, los Estados miembros, la sociedad civil, la industria y el mundo académico, pudieran contribuir a las futuras…

 | Business association

Der Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V. bedankt sich für die Möglichkeit der Stellungnahme zum Weißbuch How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?, welche die Europäische Kommission am 21. Februar 2024 vorgelegt hat. Die Bundesarbeitsgruppe Digitale Infrastruktur des Wirtschaftsrats e.V. und seine 140 Mitgliedsunternehmen sowie Verbände begrüßen die Bestrebungen, sehen jedoch einige kritische Punkte und Handlungsbedarf, da er nicht nur die…

 | Public authority

Ci-joint la prise de position de l’Office fédéral de la communication suisse

 | Business association

Attached in a separate document is the feedback from the BTG (Branchevereniging ICT en Telecommunications Grootgebruikers). BTG is the association for IT and communication technology in the Netherlands. The association has approximately 180 members from the corporate market.

 | Business association

The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) would like to thank for the opportunity to participate in the discussion on the future of Europe’s digital infrastructure. The White paper of the future of the digital infrastructure needs is welcomed. Mutual understanding of the Europes digital infrastructure strengths and weaknesses is a base for Europes digital competitiveness. EUs strategy must be comprehensive, integrating also the potential of…

 | Business association

How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? A contribution of Cigref to the European Commissions White Paper Cigref welcomes the White paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs and the call to raise the resilience of Europes digital and telecom networks. The focus on industrial digital resilience resonates with key elements gathered in our Manifesto A Perspective on tomorrows digital world prepared ahead of the new…

 | Business association

ecta, the european competitive telecommunications association – representing those alternative operators who, relying on the pro-competitive EU legal framework that has created a free market for electronic communications, have made massive investments in network and technology to give EU citizens, businesses and public administrations quality and choice at affordable prices – welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the European…

 | Trade union

UNI Europa ICTS agrees that Europe needs a fairer regulatory framework for all players in the sector to strengthen domestic digital infrastructure and services providers in a global competition and to grow employment opportunities. However, truly sustainable competition for all industry players should not be solely based on prices, as this impacts on employment in the sector. A new strategy must combine incentives for investment and innovation…

 | Company/business

Das Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen (ZDF) ist Mitglied der Europäischen Rundfunkunion (EBU) und unterstützt vollumfänglich deren Antwort zu dieser Konsultation. Das ZDF begrüsst ausdrücklich die Möglichkeit, ebenfalls zu dem Weissbuch Stellung nehmen zu können. Zukünftige politische und rechtliche Vorschläge, die möglicherweise in der Folge der Konsultation ergriffen werden, können erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den audiovisuellen Mediensektor in…

 | Business association

Although we welcome the European Commission’s White Paper, we strongly oppose to the idea that Chinese vendors as Huawei or ZTE as 5G suppliers are more risky than other companies. When we read that the Commission considered that Huawei and ZTE present in fact materially higher risks than other 5G suppliers and confirmed that decisions adopted by Member States to restrict those suppliers are justified and compliant with the 5G Toolbox, and…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

W odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do przedstawienia stanowiska do dokumentu opublikowanego przez Komisję Europejską – Biała Księga Jak sprostać potrzebom Europy w zakresie infrastruktury cyfrowej?, Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji przedstawia w załączeniu stanowisko.

 | Company/business

Microsoft has with interest taken note of the European Commissions White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs? and welcomes the opportunity to participate in the consultation and provide feedback on its contents. Coming after two years of intense discussions on the future of EU connectivity policy, the White Paper provides the opportunity to consider possible directions of the EU connectivity sector, covering a range of…

 | Public authority

Ireland is supportive of each scenario under pillar 1. They align with Irelands previous calls for a pro-investment approach to connectivity as well as making the process for applicants applying for EU funding simpler. Regarding the proposal to broaden the scope of the current regulatory framework, Ireland remains sceptical. In our view, the White Paper has not provided enough evidence to suggest that there has been a market failure that would…

 | Public authority

We are delighted to provide our feedback on the recent advancements in security standards for end-to-end connectivity, particularly highlighting the exceptional contributions made by the EU Critical Communication System (EUCCS). The comprehensive approach to developing security standards across the entire value stack, from hardware to service layers, is a probe to the EU’s commitment to achieving the highest levels of security and resilience…

 | Business association

Jsme přesvědčeni, že komise musí Bílou knihu přepracovat a soustředit se na reálné potřeby v oblasti digitální infrastruktury: Extrémní zjednodušení jakýchkoli povolovacích procesů na všech úrovních veřejné správy, zamezení možnosti subjektů veřejné a státní správy zdražovat a znemožňovat výstavbu VHCN (obce, kraje, stát, jím vlastněné organizace, podřízené organizace obcí atd) Jakoukoli regulaci a revizi regulace musí Komise dělat především s…

 | Academic/research Institution

Agradecemos la oportunidad de ofrecer comentarios sobre el Libro Blanco de la Comisión titulado “¿Cómo abordar las necesidades de infraestructura digital de Europa?” desde una perspectiva de investigación e innovación. Observamos con interés la intención de la Comisión de proponer una revisión del marco regulatorio pertinente, con el objetivo de adaptarse tanto a las tendencias tecnológicas como industriales. Espectros radiofrecuencia para…

 | Company/business

The Connecting Europe Broadband Fund (CEBF) has been at the forefront of promoting Rural Open Access Networks (ROAN) since its inception in 2018. CEBF is dedicated to contributing to the European Digital Decade by driving the deployment of fiber networks in rural areas, ensuring that every European can access high-speed broadband. Hence, we present our suggestions as a response to the White Paper. 1. Accelerate Copper Network Decommissioning:…

 | Business association

CEDEC welcomes the opportunity to give feedback to the Commission White Paper How to master Europes future infrastructure needs?, in which it outlines its vision for Europes digital future. While CEDEC supports some of the concrete measures aimed at a fast copper switch-off and migration to fibre networks which will positively contribute to the greening of digital networks and sustainability and foster broadband expansion CEDEC is highly…

 | Business association

DOT Europe welcomes the opportunity to comment on the contents of the White Paper How to master Europes digital infrastructure needs?. It puts forward some interesting ideas, such as regulatory simplification that could help promote connectivity hand-in-hand with economic competitiveness. However, we must avoid using this discussion as a covert way to make industrial policy or intervene in markets where there is no identified failure. Moreover…

 | EU citizen

From a Greek perspective, qualifying a company as a high-risk supplier just because of its geographical origin may prove fairly hard to explain to people. Even if the explanation refers to matters of national interest, it may immediately face the criticism that national security is a matter for member-states and not an element imposed across the bloc by a central authority. Apparently any exclusion or even restriction of 5G suppliers would…

 | Business association

With regard to the views expressed in the context of the EU consultation on security issues by certain companies, which are our members, allow us to express the view that, if the systems of certain companies do not create security issues for the European Union and its Member States and are compatible with other European systems, those companies should be allowed to participate in invitations to tender held at European level and Member states…

 | Other

The Coalition for Creativity (C4C) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commissions White Paper on How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?, published on 21 February 2024. The White Paper outlines various possible scenarios for public policy actions aiming to incentivise building the digital networks of the future in the Union, including by undertaking regulatory action via a possible Digital Networks Act…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Our feedback primarily focuses on EUCCS (section 2.4.2), but comments are made for topics throughout the paper where and in the attachment. Without EUCCS: – Europe continues to rely on 25-30 year old mobile communication technology for safety and security practitioners. – An informational superiority imbalance continues, where criminals use the latest mobile information exchange technology (5G/6G), where our crime fighters use voice and short…

 | Academic/research Institution

Η εθνική ασφάλεια κάθε χώρας οφείλει και επιβάλλεται να προστατεύεται από τις αρμόδιες αρχές της χώρας αυτής και δεν πρέπει να μεταβιβάζεται σε άλλες. Αν μια χώρα λαμβάνει μέτρα περιορισμού συγκεκριμένων προμηθευτών υψηλής τεχνολογίας με μοναδικό κριτήριο τη χώρα προέλευσης τους, αυτό στην πραγματικότητα δεν εξασφαλίζει την προστασία της εθνικής ασφάλειας της χώρας και δεν συνάδει με τις αρχές της ΕΕ και των κρατών-μελών. Ο αποκλεισμός ή ο…

 | Academic/research Institution

Digital Transformation is very important in Cyprus, higher education institutions are also working on the country’s digital transformation, but The restriction in competition would lead to rollout delays across. Technology neutrality preserves important individual freedoms and liberties allowing operators and users to select technology that meets their needs. Categorical exclusion of HRVs erodes important values that underlie liberal…

 | Academic/research Institution

The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies is a Bulgarian state university, having BA, MA and PhD programs for the respective degrees, all of them successfully passed the applicable accreditation procedures. Among others, the University offers programs in Social Communications and Information Sciences, Informatics and Computer Sciences, National Security, Information Technologies, Information Brokerage, Information Security…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) welcomes the draft White Paper on “How to Master Europes Digital Infrastructure Needs” and appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important document. We recognise the critical role of advanced digital infrastructure in enhancing emergency communications and ensuring the safety and security of citizens across Europe. However, we are concerned about the very limited number of references to…

 | Company/business

Die ARD bedankt für sich für die Gelegenheit zur Stellungnahme zum Weißbuch der Europäischen Kommission. Unsere Stellungnahme findet sich im anhängenden Dokument.

 | Public authority

Latvia expresses reservations regarding proposed consolidation in the EU telecommunications sector. We believe that market dynamics, including purchasing power and population density, significantly influence market entry and innovation. Latvia’s concern is whether cross-border operators will prioritize investments in rural and remote areas, crucial for equitable national coverage. The specific needs of smaller Member States may be overlooked…

 | Non-EU citizen

My feedback is limited in its scope, as it is not addressed to the entire white paper, but rather a specific section: 3.2.6. (Copper switch-off). Upon reading it, I have an idea for the Commission to explore with the private sector. The white paper stresses the value of migrating from legacy copper to newly deployed fibre networks with regards to the EU’s green objectives, but only within the context of saving energy associated with the cost…

 | Consumer organisation

Il presente commento è articolato secondo i alcuni punti principali, che intendono sottolineare le caratteristiche che il sistema, come anticipato, deve avere per i cittadini consumatori. *** 1) Equità nella ripartizione dei costi; I costi della infrastruttura sono certamente rilevanti; si pensi alla manutenzione ed al progressivo miglioramento tecnologico. Tali costi sono sostenuti dai consumatori, nella loro veste di cittadini ed utenti…

 | Business association

Adigital (the Spanish Association for the Digital Economy) brings together more than 500 companies, including the large telecommunications companies operating in Spain, as well as large content providers and platforms. The Association is aware of the current debate in Europe on the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure, and we value it very positively, since we consider it a necessary conversation, as…

 | Company/business

Please find attached Elisa Corporation’s feedback.

 | Company/business

To whom it may concern: We are a public benefit cybersecurity startup developing a foundational solution to Section 2.4 of the white paper. We are a winner of the NATO DIANA Secure Information Sharing Challenge, and of a DHS-SVIP Privacy-Preserving Digital Wallet OTA contract. A new blueprint is now possible to secure “the entire value stack, from end-to-end and from the hardware layer up to the service layer” in a universal way. This new…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

The Internet Society is very pleased to contribute to the consultation. Please, read the whole document, but our main recommendations are the following key Points: The White Papers proposal to expand current regulations scope of application is based on a flawed premise of a convergence between connectivity and cloud services, What we see is actors taking advantage of new technologies and the flexibility, cost savings, and scalability of cloud…

 | Business association

Dear all, Please find attached GIGAEurope’s Response to the European Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. We remain at your disposal should you have any queries in relation to this submission. Best regards, GIGAEurope

 | EU citizen

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir/Madam Please see the file attached. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis

 | Business association

The App Association is a policy trade association for the small business technology developer community. Our members are entrepreneurs, innovators, and independent developers within the global app ecosystem that engage with verticals across every industry. We work with and for our members to promote a policy environment that rewards and inspires innovation while providing resources that help them raise capital, create jobs, and continue to…

 | Business association

Si allega la risposta di Assotelecomunicazioni – Asstel alla consultazione sul Libro Bianco “Come affrontare adeguatamente le esigenze dell’Europa in termini di infrastruttura digitale?”.

 | Business association

The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers Association (ENPA), representing the vast majority of European publishers of newspapers, magazines, periodicals and specialised press, including in digital, appreciate this opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s White Paper on “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. In our comments, focused on the envisaged Scenario 4…

 | Business association

W naszej opinii, rozwiązania projektowane w obecnym brzmieniu białej księgi niosą za sobą potencjalne zagrożenia, których zignorowanie może wiązać się z negatywnymi konsekwencjami zarówno dla przedsiębiorców, jak i dla konsumentów. Wobec tego prezentujemy najważniejsze wnioski dotyczące rozważanych regulacji: 1. rynek związany z wykorzystaniem chmury w sektorze telekomunikacyjnym nie wymaga dodatkowych regulacji ponad obowiązujące przepisy UE;…

 | EU citizen

Nesúhlasím s digitalizáciou a centralizáciou citlivých údajov občanov. Všetko čo sa dá zneužiť sa aj zneužije. Občania nechcú žiť v digitálnom otroctve.

 | EU citizen

Už názov Biela kniha – Ako splniť potreby digitálnej infraštruktúry v Európe? naznačuje, že Európskej komisii nejde v prvom rade o potreby ľudí a životného prostredia, ale o digitalizáciu, ktorej produkty majú riadiť ľudí a dohliadať na ľudí, čo je eufemisticky v dokumente nazvané, že budú pomáhať ľuďom. Zdôrazňuje sa rozvoj umelej inteligencie, čo je zjavne najkolosálnejšia krádež duševného vlastníctva v dejinách pod kontrolou megakorporácií…

 | EU citizen

Dokument ponúka základ pre ďalšie kroky v oblasti digitalizácie a nasadzovania 5G a dokonca 6G. Avšak, treba si všimnúť, že niektoré technologické výzvy v kapitole 2.2. môžu vyžadovať ďalšiu analýzu a zhodnotenie ich dopadu. Tu je dôležité upozorniť, že 5G nikdy nebolo posúdené vzhľadom na environmentálne dopady, nie to ešte 6G! Okrem toho je dôležité zabezpečiť, aby sa pri implementácii navrhovaných opatrení zohľadnili potreby a záujmy…

 | EU citizen

Muy bueno lo de recordar la “Declaración Europea sobre los Derechos y Principios Digitales para la Década Digital”: Debe permanecer como principio “constitucional” (digamos así) de todas la políticas y normativas UE en materia digital. Muy bueno lo de señalar las oportunidades y riesgos de la informática cuántica. No se indica expresamente pero las criptomonedas podrían estar muy amenazadas de devaluación brusca, generalizada y persistente…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

Dear Sir or Madam, The White Paper provides a reasonably solid diagnosis of the problems facing the telecommunications market in Europe (Pages 1-19). It was pointed out that the achievement of the goals of the digital decade (80% infrastructure coverage of 1 Gbps is forecast instead of 100% in 2030) is threatened by, among other things – lack of a single market (each country has different regulations, especially at the consumer level) -…

 | Business association

If a collaborative Connectivity and computing ecosystems will be created within the EU the interoperability between different sectors like building or infrastructure must be given. Due to that interoperable data is evident. Please use standards from CEN/TC 442 “Bulding Information Modelling (BIM).

 | Company/business

The security of critical infrastructure is of paramount importance to deliver economic growth and societal benefit, as clearly stated in the document. Security against future threats, like quantum computers, is also recognized as a major target for EU digital infrastructure, and the document considers two technologies: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). While both technologies are solid, they present…

 | EU citizen

Zgłaszam uwagę, ponieważ nie uwzględnione zostały sprawy przyszłości radiofonii naziemnej. Cyfryzacja radiofonii naziemnej jest tematem bardzo często bagatelizowanym i lekceważonym przez większość państw członkowskich UE. Finlandia w jawny sposób dyskryminuje cyfrową radiofonię naziemną w standardzie DAB+ poprzez rezerwację Pasma III wyłącznie dla telewizji i to rodem z ponurych czasów zimnej wojny pomimo, że wszystkie kraje członkowskie UE…

 | EU citizen

Je refuse toute taxe supplémentaire sur les citoyens de lUE

 | EU citizen

From my view major hurdles in EU countries are the bureaucracy, statutory requirements and the lengthy processes. Straight forward and easy implementable, aligned policies and regulations for predictable and timely processes and fees for right of way, (multi sector) infrastructure sharing, network sharing, spectrum sharing, open access to public facilities, and free (access to) GIS maps of open access infrastructure (e.g. facilities, ducts…

 | EU citizen

Il n’est absolument pas normal de faire payer à tous, via l’impôt, un service que seuls utilisent les consommateurs de vidéos et séries en ligne. C’est au consommateur de payer en fonction de sa propre consommation !

 | EU citizen

Mon avis est que c’est le consommateur qui doit payer. Surtout pas de taxe générale et pour tout le monde. C’est celui qui regarde des vidéos sur son portable, c’est l’abonné à Netflix, qui doit payer. Mais ce n’et pas parce que nous avons été incapables de créer Google, ou Amazon, ou Apple, ou Microsoft, ou X, ou Facebook que l’on doit les taxer à mort. Il y a des clients pour ces entreprises, et ce sont eux qui doivent payer. Ces entreprises…

 | EU citizen

The EU faces the challenge of harmonizing various countries, each progressing at different speeds in terms of development and adoption. To overcome this, it’s crucial not to delve into excessive details but rather concentrate on establishing a unified primary road infrastructure with one or more hubs in each country. Each country should permit the growth of node-based networks around these EU hubs. This approach aligns with the Web3 vision of…

 | EU citizen

V žádném případě nesouhlasím, digitalizace je neosobní, hrozí zneužití že strany úřadů, vlády… Ohrožuje osobní údaje , vyžaduje citlivá data lidí. Důležité dokumenty nedáváte ve všech jazycích členských států . Překlady nemusí být přesně. Je to diskriminace ze strany EU.

 | EU citizen

Buenos días, No existe un intervencionismo económico bueno. El abuso de normas que condicionan las decisiones reduce el mercado, alza los precios y daña el crecimiento, por eso deben ser retiradas una vez se corrijan los excesos. John Locke dejo dicho que los poderes públicos (el Estado) deben intervenir lo menos posible en la economía y en los mercados, pero construir un corpus normativo que garantice el derecho a la propiedad privada y la…

 | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

1. In terms of frequency policy, it should be noted that not only IMT companies need frequencies, but also culture, media and the event industry. The range between 470 and 694 MHz, which is harmonized throughout Europe for wireless production equipment such as wireless microphones, should be considered in particular. This harmonization must remain in place (“Save Our Spectrum”). The previous joint use of Broadcasting, PMSE…


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