Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Brussels, 14 April 2023

See question(s) : E-000195/2023

Pursuant to Article 1(6) of Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism (CP 931), the Council reviews the names of the persons, groups and entities listed under that Common Position at regular intervals and at least once every six months.

The review process conducted at the level of the Council Working Party on restrictive measures to combat terrorism (COMET WP) is reflected in the working methods of that Working Party1. The COMET WP discusses any new information shared by Member States or the EEAS relating to the persons, groups and entities listed under CP 931, and carries out a thorough assessment as to whether the grounds for each listing under CP 931 are still valid. If, in the course of this assessment, the COMET WP considers that the new information presented requires an amendment to the statement of reasons, it will recommend that the statement of reasons be updated accordingly.

Following its assessment, the COMET WP makes recommendations to be reflected in the relevant legal acts, including a new consolidated list of persons, groups, and entities. Independently of the above review process, the Council can adopt a decision to add additional persons, groups, or entities to the list, or to remove persons, groups or entities from the list.

The listing of a person, group or entity under CP 931 has to satisfy the conditions laid down in Article 1(2) to (4) of that Common Position, which provides a definition of persons, groups and entities ‘involved in terrorist acts’ as well as of ‘terrorist acts’ for this purpose, and which specifies the requirements related to the adoption of a decision by a national competent authority in respect of the persons, groups and entities concerned.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not included on the list of persons, groups and entities subject to Articles 2, 3 and 4 of CP 931.

The Council has not discussed the listing of the Muslim Brotherhood under CP 931.

1 ST 14612/16 REV1.

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