Mon. Feb 17th, 2025
nature, forestry, deforestation
Europe strikes compromise deal on Deforestation Regulation. Photo by Pier52 on Pixabay

Brussels, 3 December 2024

EU Commission welcomes provisional agreement on additional phase-in time for EU Deforestation Regulation

The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Commission’s proposal to grant a 12-month additional phasing-in period. This will ensure proper and effective implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), while preserving its integrity. The Commission’s proposal came as a response to feedback received from international partners, Member States and companies about their state of preparations and to give all parties concerned sufficient time to prepare.

Once formally adopted, the law will become applicable on 30 December 2025 for large companies and 30 June 2026 for micro- and small enterprises. This will allow third countries, Member States, operators and traders an extra year to prepare for the implementation of the Regulation.

Given the EUDR’s novel character, the swift calendar, and the variety of international stakeholders involved, a 12-month additional time to phase in the system is a balanced solution to support operators around the world in securing a smooth implementation from the start. This is essential to guarantee certainty about the way forward and to ensure the success of the EUDR.

In the meantime, the Commission will continue providing further clarifications on the legislation and explore additional simplifications, in full compliance with the objectives of the Regulation, through updates of the guidelines and the frequently asked questions document.

The Commission proposal was part of a broader package of support measures released on 2 October including additional guidance documents and a stronger international cooperation framework to support global stakeholders, Member States and third countries in their preparations for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation. The Commission aims to finalise the country benchmarking system as soon as possible but no later than 30 June 2025, in dialogue with most concerned countries. The Information System where businesses will register their due diligence statements will enter into operation on 4 December.

Next steps

The European Parliament and the Council will now formally have to adopt the targeted amendment of the EU Deforestation Regulation before it can come into effect.


The Deforestation Regulation entered into force on 30 June 2023. When the rules enter into application, all relevant companies will have to exercise due diligence if they place on the EU market, or export from it, palm oil, cattle, soy, coffee, cocoa, timber and rubber as well as some of its derived products (such as beef, furniture, or chocolate).

Deforestation and forest degradation are important drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that 420 million hectares of forest — an area larger than the European Union — were lost to deforestation between 1990 and 2020. In terms of net area loss (the difference between area of forest cleared and new surface of forests planted or regenerated), the FAO estimates that the world lost around 178 million hectares of forest cover in the same period of time, which is an area triple the size of France.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that 23% of total greenhouse gas emissions (2007-2016) come from agriculture, forestry and other land uses. About 11% of overall emissions are from forestry and other land use, mostly deforestation, while the remaining 12% are direct emissions from agricultural production such as livestock and fertilisers.

More Information

Guidance on EU Deforestation Regulation

Strategic Framework for International Cooperation Engagement

Commission website on EU Deforestation Regulation implementation


With the agreement just reached between the European Parliament and the Council, a 12-month additional time is given to all businesses, farmers and a variety of international stakeholders that need to implement the EU Deforestation Regulation. The Commission has listened to their feedback and I am glad that our balanced proposal has been accepted, giving additional certainty and predictability to businesses.

Jessika Roswall, Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy

Source – EU Commission


EU Parliament: Deforestation law agreement with the EU Council gives companies extra year to comply

    • New rules to apply from 30 December 2025 instead of 2024
    • The Commission committed to continue easing the burden on businesses by reducing administrative requirements and eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic burdens
    • An area larger than the EU was lost to deforestation between 1990 and 2020

    Companies will have one more year to adapt to new EU rules to prevent deforestation, which will ban the sale of products sourced from deforested land in the EU.

    On Tuesday evening, negotiators from the Parliament and Council reached a provisional political agreement to postpone the application of the new rules. Large operators and traders will now have to respect the obligations of this regulation as of 30 December 2025, and micro- and small enterprises from 30 June 2026. This additional time is intended to help companies around the world implement the rules more smoothly from the beginning, without undermining the objectives of the law.

    The Commission proposed postponing the application date of the deforestation regulation by one year in response to concerns raised by EU member states, non-EU countries, traders and operators that they would not be able to fully comply with the rules if applied from the end of 2024.

    Following requests from Parliament, the Commission committed to ensure that both the Information System and proposal for the risk classification are available as soon as possible but not later than six months before the Regulation enters into application. In the context of the general review of the Regulation expected no later than 30 June 2028, the Commission will analyse additional measures to simplify and reduce administrative burden.


    After the deal, Parliament’s rapporteur Christine Schneider (EPP, DE) said:

    “We promised and we have delivered. This postponement means businesses, foresters, farmers and authorities will have an additional year to prepare. We ensured the Commission will complete the online platform and the risk categorisation in six months, ensuring more predictability across the supply chain. An impact assessment and further simplification is to follow in the review stage for the low risk countries or regions providing countries with an incentive to improve their forest conservation practices.

    We would have preferred to see several issues directly enshrined in the law, but the Council refused. It is now up to the Commission to deliver on its commitments. We MEPs will closely monitor this process, in particular efforts towards reducing bureaucracy.”

    Next steps

    The vote on the informal agreement between the colegislators will be added to the agenda of Parliament’s next plenary session (16-19 December). In order for the postponement to enter into force, the agreed text has to be endorsed by both Parliament and Council and published in the EU Official Journal before the end of the year.


    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 420 million hectares of forest — an area larger than the EU — were lost to deforestation between 1990 and 2020. EU consumption represents around 10% of global deforestation. Palm oil and soya account for more than two-thirds of this.

    The deforestation regulation, adopted by Parliament on 19 April 2023, aims to fight climate change and biodiversity loss by preventing the deforestation related to EU consumption of products from cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm-oil, soya, wood, rubber, charcoal and printed paper. Already in force since 29 June 2023, its provisions were to be applied by companies from 30 December 2024.

    Source – EU Parliament


    EU Council on the targeted amendment of the EU deforestation law

    Today, the Council reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a proposed targeted amendment of the EU deforestation regulation, postponing its date of application by 12 months. This provisional agreement still needs to be confirmed by both institutions before going through the formal adoption procedure.

    This postponement will allow third countries, member states, operators and traders to be fully prepared in terms of their due diligence obligations, to ensure that certain commodities and products sold in the EU or exported from the EU are deforestation-free. This includes products made from cattle, wood, cocoa, soy, palm oil, coffee, rubber and some of their derived products.

    Smooth implementation and legal certainty

    The deforestation regulation has already been in force since 29 June 2023 and its provisions are to be applied from 30 December 2024. The two co-legislators agreed to the Commission’s proposal to postpone the application date of the regulation by one year (30 December 2025).

    This would give legal certainty, predictability and sufficient time for the smooth and effective implementation of the rules, including fully establishing due diligence systems that cover all relevant commodities and products.

    No changes in terms of substance

    According to the provisional agreement, the targeted amendment will not affect the substance of the existing rules, which aims to minimise the EU’s contribution to deforestation and forest degradation worldwide, by only allowing deforestation-free products to be placed on the EU market or exported from the EU.

    Next steps

    The provisional agreement will now have to be endorsed by the Council and Parliament. It will then be formally adopted by both institutions and will be published in the Official Journal of the EU, so that it can enter into force before the application date of the current regulation (30 December 2024).


    The deforestation regulation was adopted in 2023 and establishes rules to ensure that products derived from certain commodities that are placed on the EU market or exported from the EU have not caused deforestation or forest degradation during their production, have been produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production and are covered by a due diligence statement.

    The Commission submitted its proposal on postponing the application date of the deforestation regulation in response to concerns raised by member states, third countries, traders and operators that they might not fully comply with the rules by 31 December 2024.

    On 16 October 2024, the Council agreed on its position on the amendment of the EU deforestation regulation, postponing its date of application by 12 months. On 20 November 2024, the Council reiterated its support for the proposed targeted amendment of the EU deforestation regulation.

    Source – EU Council


    Statement der EU-Abgeordenten Christine Schneider (EVP/CDU) zur Trilogeinigung Entwaldungsverordnung

    Mitgliedstaaten und Europäisches Parlament haben sich am Abend im Trilog auf eine einjährige Verschiebung der EU-Verordnung für entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten geeinigt. Dazu erklärt Christine Schneider (CDU), parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin der CDU/CSU-Gruppe und Berichterstatterin des Europaparlaments:

    “Ich freue mich, dass wir wichtige Vereinfachungen für die Entwaldungsverordnung anstoßen konnten. Durch unseren Einsatz ist die EU-Entwaldungsverordnung ein Stück praktikabler geworden. Als CDU/CSU und EVP haben wir klar gezeigt, dass wir entschlossen sind, unnötige Bürokratie abzubauen. Maßlos enttäuscht bin ich jedoch über die Blockadehaltung der Mitgliedstaaten und insbesondere der Bundesregierung. Mit mehr politischem Willen auf Seiten des Rates wäre sehr viel mehr möglich gewesen, aber zumindest ist der heutige Kompromiss ein wichtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung.

    Was haben wir erreicht? Die einjährige Verschiebung, für die wir als EVP und CDU/CSU hart gekämpft haben, wird kommen. Es war von Anfang an klar, dass wir diese Verschiebung, die es ohne die EVP nicht geben würde, nicht gefährden werden.

    Die zusätzliche Erklärung der Europäischen Kommission bestätigt zudem, dass unsere Kritik berechtigt war, und kündigt konkrete Vereinfachungen an. Noch bis Ende des Jahres sollen in den Leitlinien und häufig gestellten Fragen (FAQ) weitere Präzisierungen und Vereinfachungen vorgenommen werden. Außerdem hat die Kommission zugesagt, bis zu dem Zwischenbericht zu der Verordnung im Jahr 2028 weitere Vereinfachungen zu prüfen, darunter die Möglichkeit einer zusätzlichen Kategorie für Staaten, die eine nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft betreiben, und eine umfassende Folgenabschätzung. Außerdem wurde unsere Forderung berücksichtigt, die Datenplattform und die Risikoklassifizierung mindestens sechs Monate vor Inkrafttreten bereitzustellen.

    Die Entwaldungsverordnung war die erste Chance nach den Europawahlen, das zu liefern, wovon alle immer sprechen: Bürokratieabbau. Die Bevölkerung erwartet von uns Lösungen – keine ideologischen Grabenkämpfe. Wir im Europäischen Parlament haben geliefert, während die Mitgliedstaaten inkl. der Bundesregierung blockiert haben. Die kategorische Ablehnung von Seiten des Rates ist ernüchternd. So bleibt dieses Verfahren trotz der Erfolge auch eine vertane Chance für den globalen Waldschutz und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unserer europäischen Forst- und Landwirte sowie davon betroffenen Unternehmen.

    Es bleibt leider bezeichnend für die Politik von SPD und Grünen: Noch vor wenigen Monaten forderten Kanzler Scholz sowie die Minister Habeck und Özdemir öffentlich, „die Kettensäge anzuwerfen“ und meinten, die Verordnung sei „völlig falsch abgebogen“ um dann jegliche Veränderungen zu blockieren. Dieses Verhalten ist unehrlich gegenüber all den kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen, die nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft betreiben und mit den bürokratischen Anforderungen zu kämpfen haben, obwohl sie keinen Beitrag zur globalen Entwaldung leisten.”

    Hintergrund: Die Abstimmung im Umweltausschuss findet bereits morgen, 4. Dezember 2024 ab 14:30, statt, und die Abstimmung im Plenum ist für die Woche vom 15. Dezember vorgesehen. Auch der Rat wird in dieser Woche das Ergebnis annehmen.

    Quelle – CDU/CSU-Gruppe per E-Mail


    S&D Group: A victory for the planet – EU Deforestation Law preserves ambition despite conservative backlash

    Today, the European Parliament, Commission, and Council united during final negotiations to defeat right-wing attempts to weaken the landmark EU Deforestation Law.

    The Socialists and Democrats played a pivotal role in securing this outcome. They accepted a pragmatic European Commission proposal to delay the law’s implementation by one year, and fought to ensure its substance remained intact despite efforts by the European People’s Party (EPP) and far-right factions to considerably water it down.

    The compromise reached guarantees that the law will remain a powerful tool to block deforestation-linked products from entering the EU market, while giving businesses and regulators more time to adapt.

    Delara Burkhardt, S&D negotiator on the law, said:

    “Today, we managed to put an end to the embarrassing spectacle orchestrated by the EPP Group and the stalemate they caused for businesses. The behaviour of the EPP Group was irresponsible. With their political games, they created uncertainty for businesses and damaged the reputation of the European Parliament as a serious negotiating partner. Instead of seeking a broad majority in the centre, the EPP Group preferred the flirt with the far right, even though it was clear all along that their half-baked amendment proposals had no chance of success with the Council and the Commission. From the start, we, Social Democrats, proposed a solution that is now reflected in the final outcomes; namely to modestly postpone the Deforestation Regulation by one year and to demand a commitment from the European Commission on further support measures for businesses. This will give companies sufficient additional time and assistance to prepare for the implementation of the regulation.”


    The backlash, led by the EPP and far-right groups, had notably pushed for a controversial ‘zero-risk’ classification system. This system would have created an unfair double standard by dividing EU member states into different risk categories, leading to uneven enforcement and undermining the law’s effectiveness. Negotiators firmly rejected this approach, safeguarding the EU’s commitment to a fair and effective fight against deforestation.

    The EU Deforestation Law sets a global benchmark for sustainable trade. It requires companies to ensure their products are deforestation-free before entering the EU market, reinforcing the EU’s leadership in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. By standing firm today, the EU reaffirms its role as a global leader in implementing its international environmental commitments.


    EU deforestation law’s substance unchanged. One-year postponement agreed with support from Renew Europe

    In line with the Renew Europe position, co-legislators from the European Parliament and the Council agreed a deal this evening to postpone the application of deforestation legislation by one year, as proposed by the European Commission.

    Attempts by opponents of the Green Deal in the Parliament to weaken the legislation have been stopped. However, due to tight time constraints and concerns of some stakeholders, we agreed to the Commission proposal to postpone the application of the legislation by one year, as did EU Members States.

    At the same time, we wanted to keep the architecture of the law intact in order to ensure forest protection and legal clarity for businesses. This was achieved in tonight’s trilogue negotiation.

    Deforestation and forest degradation are happening worldwide at an alarming rate and European consumption is responsible for around 17% of tropical deforestation linked to internationally traded commodities such as wood, cattle, palm oil, soy, coffee and cocoa.

    Pascal Canfin, Renew Europe’s Coordinator on the ENVI Committee, said:

    “There will be no changes to the essence of the deforestation law, and only a 12-month postponement of its entry into force, as initially proposed by the European Commission. This is excellent news for all those who mobilised to defend this flagship Green Deal law, and for all the companies that will have to implement it and expect the greatest legal clarity from us. Europe remains at the forefront of forest protection worldwide. The next step will be the publication of risk categories by country, as soon as possible before June 2025. Attempts by the right wing of the house to weaken this law have led them to hit the wall. Renew has worked and succeeded with partners in the Parliament and the Council to stop them.”

    Source – Renew Europe (by email)


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