Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

24 November 2024

What is Article 6 of the Paris Agreement?

What is the Supervisory Body of the Article 6.4 mechanism?

Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement established a new international carbon crediting mechanism.

The Article 6.4 mechanism, also known as the Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism, has a Supervisory Body tasked with developing and supervising the requirements and processes needed to operationalize the mechanism. This includes developing and/or approving methodologies, registering activities, accrediting third-party verification bodies, and managing the Article 6.4 Registry.

The Supervisory Body is fully accountable to the Parties to the Paris Agreement(CMA).


The Supervisory Body is composed of 12 members from Parties to the Paris Agreement.

To ensure broad and equitable geographical representation, and striving to ensure gender-balanced representation, members are selected along the following criteria:

(a) Two members from each of the five United Nations regional groups;
(b) One member from the least developed countries;
(c) One member from small island developing States.

Members and alternate members serve in their individual expert capacity.

Current membership & workplan

The Supervisory Body elected Ms. Maria AlJishi of Saudi Arabia and Mr. Martin Hession of Ireland to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively until the first meeting of the Body in 2025.
Approved 2024 Workplan (Updated workplans can be found listed in the annotations of each SBM meeting here)

Composition of the Supervisory Body for 2024: Member / Alternate

Ms. Maria AlJishi (Chair)

Mr. Duan Maosheng b

Mr. Benedict Chia b

Vacant b, 1

Mr. Felipe De León Denegri a

Mr. Eduardo Calvo a

Mr. El Hadji Mbaye Diagne b

Mr. Tirivanhu Muhwati b

Mr. Piotr Dombrowicki a

Mr. Imre Bányász a

Ms. Olga Gassan-zade b, 2  

Vacant b, 2, 3 

Mr. Felipe Rodrigues Gomes Ferreira b 

Mr. Charles Hamilton b

Mr. Martin Hession (Vice-Chair)

Ms. Helen Finney b

Mr. Gebru Jember a

Mr. Manjeet Dhakal a

Mr. Satyendra Kumar a, 4

Mr. Daegyun Oh a, 4

Ms. Molly Peters-Stanley 

Ms. Angela Friedrich a, 5

Mr. Mkhuthazi Steleki 

Mr. Alick Muvundika 

Members and alternate members are listed in alphabetical order by member.

a Term: 3 years, i.e. ending prior to the first meeting in 2025.
b Term: 2 years, i.e. ending prior to the first meeting in 2026.
1 Ms. Kristin Qui resigned effective 12 November 2024.
2 Nomination pending from CMA 5. Current member remains in office until nomination is received.
3 Ms. Maia Tskhvaradze resigned effective 1 September 2023.
4 In a communication dated 16 June 2022, the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Group informed of the rotation of the candidates serving in the positions of member and alternate member of the Supervisory Body based on the understanding reached within the Asia-Pacific Group. The understanding has been communicated by the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Group to the secretariat.
5 In a communication dated 27 May 2022, the Chairs of WEOG informed that the alternate member from Switzerland will serve in the first two years and the alternate member from Austria (Ms. Angela Friedrich) will serve the third year.

Note: For detailed information on nominations and agreements made within each Regional Group please refer to the UNFCCC election and membership page here.

 Source – UNFCCC


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