Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

Fri, 17/09/2021

A call for proposals launched on 16 September under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport programme makes available €7 billion for projects targeting new, upgraded and improved European transport infrastructure. The majority of projects funded under this call will help to increase the sustainability of our overall transport network, putting the EU on track to meet the European Green Deal objective of cutting transport emissions by 90% by 2050.

Sustainable, smart and resilient infrastructure

The call support’s the European Commission’s vision of sustainable, smart and resilient mobility. As the sector recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, it must build back better, using the opportunity to further develop sustainable transport modes and technologies and to fully exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies.

The EU needs an efficient and interconnected multimodal transport system for both passengers and freight. This must include an affordable, high-speed rail network, abundant recharging and refuelling infrastructure for zero-emission vehicles, and increased automation for greater efficiency and safety.

The call addresses each of these points with:

  • EUR 5.175 billion for infrastructure projects on the Core and Comprehensive TEN-T (railways, inland waterways, maritime and inland ports, roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms, multimodal passenger hubs, smart and interoperable applications for transport, safe and secure mobility, infrastructure resilience);
  • EUR 1.575 billion for a new Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility implemented through a rolling call until 2023 (including electricity fast-charging  and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure on the TEN-T road network);
  • EUR 330 million for the adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual-use (Military Mobility envelope).
Who can apply?

Applications are welcome from:

  • One or more Member State;
  • International organisations or public or private bodies established in an EU Member State, with the agreement of the Member State(s) concerned.

Applicants should submit their proposal electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System before 19 January 2022 at 17:.00 CET.

Who decides which projects will receive grants?

Proposals will be evaluated by the European Commission/CINEA, assisted by external experts drawn from an independent expert database. Applicants will receive the evaluation results no more than six months after the submission deadline, and grant agreements will be signed within nine months.

To expand its database of experts, the Commission has launched a call for experts in a range of fields. To be considered as a proposal evaluator, applicants should sign up via the Participant Portal.


The CEF Transport programme is the key EU funding instrument for the development of high performing, sustainable and interconnected Trans-European transport networks, with a focus on the nine Core Network Corridors. The programme co-finances projects that enhance multimodality, improve infrastructure and advance innovation and new technologies.

Under the CEF programme, €25.8 billion is available for grants from the EU’s 2021-2027 budget to co-fund Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) projects in the EU Member States. CEF (2014-2020) has so far supported over 1,000 projects with a total of €23.29 billion in the transport sector.

The call for proposals supports Actions under the Facility’s General, Cohesion and Military Mobility envelopes.

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is managing the promotion and evaluation of the call, and supervises the implementation of projects.

For more information

Call webpage: https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/2021-cef-transport-call-propo…

Virtual information days on the call will take place on:

  • 27 September 2021 on all the call’s priorities except alternative fuels
  • October 2021 (exact date to be confirmed) specifically for alternative fuels


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