Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Brussels, 7 May 2024

The Council approved today conclusions on the 2023 annual report on the implementation of the European Union’s External Action Instruments in 2022. It commends the steps taken by the EU in the current challenging geopolitical context, marked by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, among others.

The Council also makes some recommendations for improvement, such as to further develop actions responding to climate change and protecting biodiversity to reach the agreed targets.

The Council commends the efforts made to reach a share of 32.4% of commitments to support social protection and human development, 13.6% for migration-related projects, 9.2% in support of education, as well as the trend towards a share of 85 % of actions contributing to gender equality.

Challenging geopolitical context

The Council recalls the importance of strengthening the EU’s international partnerships, in particular in the current challenging geopolitical context. The EU’s external action instruments and Global Gateway strategy are key tools for cooperating with partners, delivering concrete results while strengthening multilateralism, upholding democratic values and human rights and advancing the EU’s geopolitical role and policy priorities, through a Team Europe approach.

The EU and its Member States are collectively the world’s largest development partner and trading bloc, a leading global investor and the second-largest humanitarian donor. They provided collectively, in a Team Europe approach, EUR 92.1 billion in 2022, accounting for 42 % of global official development assistance (ODA). This contributes to the objectives of eradicating poverty, addressing the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, tackling inequalities, including gender inequality, and promoting sustainable development, peace and stability.

The EU’s external instruments are key to increasing the coherence between the EU’s development, foreign, climate, trade and security policies, as well as demonstrating EU global leadership, responsibility and solidarity.

Some recommendations

The Council welcomes the report’s emphasis on the key support provided by the EU to Ukraine and neighbouring countries affected by Russia’s war of aggression, as well as efforts to address the regional and global consequences and its impact on the most vulnerable groups, in particular with regard to food and energy security.

In this context, the Council encourages the Commission to continue highlighting the EU’s support to tackle global challenges. It underlines the necessity to continue working towards an integrated and coherent EU response to external crises and conflicts, including through the EU’s external action instruments. Preventing conflict through timely analysis and early action, supporting peace mediation and dialogue, building peace and resilience, and forging international and regional partnerships in the area of peace, security and defence are key aspects in this regard.


On 23 November 2023, the Commission adopted its Annual Report on the implementation of the European Union’s External Action Instruments in 2022 and accompanying Commission Staff working documents.

Council Conclusions

Visit the meeting page

Source: Council commends 2022 external actions and calls for further steps on climate and biodiversity


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