Brussels, 27 September 2023
See question(s) : E-001990/2023
Answer given by Ms Johansson
on behalf of the European Commission
In line with the Pact on Migration and Asylum1 (the Pact), the Commission is putting in place a comprehensive approach for the effective management of migration and of the EU external borders, reducing unsafe and irregular migratory flows, fighting migrant smuggling, promoting sustainable and safe legal pathways, and ensuring effective and sustainable returns.
Answer given by Ms Johansson
on behalf of the European Commission
In line with the Pact on Migration and Asylum1 (the Pact), the Commission is putting in place a comprehensive approach for the effective management of migration and of the EU external borders, reducing unsafe and irregular migratory flows, fighting migrant smuggling, promoting sustainable and safe legal pathways, and ensuring effective and sustainable returns.
The right to apply for asylum is guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter). As part of the Pact the Commission is working to put in place more efficient and swifter procedures, including border procedures for asylum and return, ensuring that a negative asylum decision is immediately followed by a return decision that is enforced from the external borders of the EU.
The Commission works with Greece to develop and implement migration management, asylum and reception systems in line with the EU acquis. This includes the deployment of teams on the ground and enhanced coordination with national authorities, EU agencies, international organisations, and other stakeholders.
The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) provides technical and operational support to Greece, including in all phases of return; a bilateral Greece – Frontex Action Plan on Returns was agreed in March 2023. Frontex also works with North Macedonia to ensure safe and effective border management, in the context of the EU-North Macedonia Status Agreement of October 20222.
Furthermore, as part of the Pact, work is advancing on several other initiatives for a more effective border management, such as the European Integrated Border Management3, the proposed amendments to the Schengen Borders Code4 and the proposal for a Screening Regulation5.
1 COM(2020) 609 final.
2 https://data.consilium.europ
3 COM(2023) 146 final.
4 COM(2021) 891 final.
5 COM(2020) 612 final.
2 https://data.consilium.europ
3 COM(2023) 146 final.
4 COM(2021) 891 final.
5 COM(2020) 612 final.