Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Mon, 17/05/2021

The European Commission would like to draw your attention to three vacant positions in the Performance Review Body (PRB).

By Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2296 setting up the independent group of experts designated as Performance Review Body of the single European sky, the European Commission has set up a group to help it implement the Single European Sky’s performance and charging scheme by providing independent advice and expertise. This group is designated as the ‘Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky’, in accordance with Article 11(2) of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004. The Single European Sky performance scheme is a mechanism for regulating the performance and economic aspects of monopoly providers of air navigation services.

The mandate of the current experts that are appointed as PRB members will expire during 2021, and according to Article 4(5) of the Decision, no more than two thirds of the members can be renewed at the same time. The Commission is therefore informing about three vacancies and is referring to its still open call for applications published in March 2019. Additional applications from appropriately qualified, impartial experts able to act independently as PRB members are sought. Members of the PRB will be remunerated for their work under individual contracts. Successful applicants will be included to the list of candidates for appointment. Inclusion of experts on the list entails no obligation on the part of the Commission concerning the appointment of those experts as members of the PRB and the conclusion of the related contracts.

Interested individuals are invited to read the Call for Applications for the Selection of Experts for the ‘Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky’ (‘PRB’) dated March 2019.

Please note that for the three vacant positions a deadline for submitting applications, duly signed and in line with the requirements of the Call, has been established. The applications must be sent by 7 June 2021 at the latest in order to be considered. Interviews with the highest-ranked candidates will be held in September 2021. Contractual arrangements with the appointed candidates will be subject to applicable financial rules and available budget.

Notice – vacant positions (2021)

See also: 15/03/2019 – Call for applications for experts in performance and economic regulation of air navigation services

Source: Call for applications for the selection of experts for the ‘Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky’ (PRB) – vacant positions

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