Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Brussels, 14 April 2023

On Wednesday 19 April in Strasbourg, Tomas Tobé and Juan Fernando López Aguilar will explain the main aspects of the proposals on asylum and migration management and crisis situations.

The off the record briefings –exclusively for journalists- will take place from 9.30 to 10.00 with Mr Tobé (EPP, SE), rapporteur for the Asylum and Migration Management Regulation, and between 10.00 and 10.30 with Mr López Aguilar (S&D, ES), in charge of the Crisis and Force Majeur Regulation.

At the end of March, the Civil Liberties Committee voted its position on both files. The decisions to open negotiations with the EU member states over the final form of the legal texts will be announced on Monday at the beginning of the plenary. If there are no objections, MEPs may open talks with the Council once the member states have also set their negotiating position.

The proposed asylum and migration management regulation sets out how the EU and its member states will act jointly to manage asylum and migration in compliance with international and EU law. It also establishes the criteria to determine the responsibility of member states in processing an asylum application (‘Dublin’ criteria) and organise solidarity in situations of migratory pressure including following search and rescue operations at sea.

The proposed crisis situations regulation focuses on sudden mass arrivals of third country nationals leading to a crisis situation in a particular member state, and it would include mandatory relocations.

The rapporteurs will explain in detail the content of their respective files (off the record, only in English) and will answer questions on Parliament’s position and next steps.

Journalists wishing to attend the briefings should register before Tuesday 18 April at 12.00 by email to polona.tedesko@europarl.europa.eu. Please, include your name and surname, name of the media and an email address.

You may choose to attend in person (Weiss building, Room S2.2, Strasbourg) or online via Webex. All registered participants will receive a connection link ahead of the breifings.


The European Commission proposed the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in September 2020 to improve asylum procedures and ensure solidarity and fair responsibility sharing among member states when dealing with the arrival of migrants and asylum seekers. The Pact comprises the following legislative proposals: Regulation for Asylum and Migration ManagementRegulation for Crisis and Force majeureScreening RegulationQualification Regulation , Reception Conditions Directive (recast)Amended Asylum Procedures regulationReturn Directive (recast)Amended EURODAC Regulation and Union Resettlement Framework Regulation.

Parliament and rotating Council Presidencies have committed to work together to adopt the reform of the EU migration and asylum rules before the 2024 EU elections.

Further information

Source: Asylum and migration: briefings with lead rapporteurs on mandates for key files

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