Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Ljubljana, 28 May 224

On 8 May 2024, the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) received electricity system operators’ proposal for an EU-wide network code on demand response. The proposal was drafted by the EU Distribution System Operators Entity (EU DSO Entity) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). Their proposal also includes amendments to the three related electricity network codes: balancing, system operation, and demand connection.

After reviewing and where necessary revising the system operators’ proposal, ACER will consult on its revised draft in autumn 2024 before submitting it to the European Commission by March 2025.

Why is this network code relevant?

Demand response is key for integrating the growing share of renewable energy and new electricity loads (e.g. resulting from heat pumps and electric vehicles) in a cost-efficient way.

In developing this draft network code, ACER is contributing to a more cost-efficient and clean energy transition by facilitating access to EU wholesale electricity markets for smaller actors, including consumers.

Have your say!

In autumn, ACER is running a public consultation on what will be ACER-revised draft proposal, and holding a webinar during the consultation period to present its draft network code:

ACER will submit the revised network code proposal to the European Commission by March 2025.

Source – ACER: Read more


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