Thu. Dec 12th, 2024
Brussels, 25 July 2022
See question(s) : E-002033/2022
Answer given by Mr Gentiloni
on behalf of the European Commission
The Commission recalls that the Recovery and Resilience Facility provides support to Member States in the form financing not linked to costs, i.e. irrespective of the financial contributions paid by Member States to final recipients.
Therefore, as a rule, the Commission does not receive information from Member States on the final implementation of financing received under the Facility, which is a matter of budget implementation at national level.
The Facility is a performance-based instrument, and the European Commission therefore does not check actual costs but the effective delivery of the reform and investments foreseen in the Council Implementing Decision, in the form of detailed milestones and targets. However, within the framework of the European Semester, the Spanish Government reported, on page 82 of the Stability Programme1 submitted on 29 April 2022, that during 2021, in the framework of the budget implementation of the Service 50 (Recovery and Resilience Facility), a total of EUR 22 128 257 670 was authorised, equivalent to 91.4 % of the total credit, which amounted to EUR 24 198 283 030 in the 2021 Budget Law. Regarding the expenditure committed, the Stability Programme indicates that it amounted to EUR 20 976 929 130, equivalent to 86.7 % of the total credit. The total liabilities recognised amounted to EUR 20 044 067 160, that is 82.8 % of the total credit. Finally, payments were made for a total of EUR 11 000 564 230, equivalent to 45.5 % of the total credit.

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